
Massive Trump vs. Biden Polling Swing From Four Years Ago to Now

AP Photo/Charlie Neibergall

I won’t belabor it again here, except to say that the 2020 U.S. general election was highly irregular. I confess it crossed my mind more than once that the election had been stolen. And while I still think that may well be the case, I’ve concluded that it was stolen more via system rigging and interference than it was at the ballot box. The endless abuse of federal authority working hand-in-hand with the complicit media seeded the belief in voters’ minds that President Trump had somehow colluded with Russia to steal the office. This was coupled with the positively criminal interference in the form of suppressing news of Hunter Biden’s laptop, which was jam-packed with documented Biden family crimes and corruption. That despicable, dishonest effort is where the election was stolen more than through the corrupt scattering and harvesting of ballots.

A look at the polling during the run-up to the 2020 election demonstrates this. While a single poll is generally useless, the average of all major polls can be a better indicator of where public sentiment lies. Even more useful is this average over time, as an indicator of trends. And the polling average prior to the 2020 election showed candidate Joe Biden far ahead of President Donald Trump at all times.

At no time in the 14 months before Election Day 2020 was Trump ahead of Biden. Rather, Biden was decisively ahead of Trump, and beyond the margin of error. If you visit Real Clear Politics’ invaluable rolling average of polls from 2019–2020, you’ll see that four years ago — as of Sept. 10, 2019 — Biden led Trump by a cool 10.7 points:

In fact, if you look at the above screenshot, you can see that Biden led decisively in the average of all polls throughout the 2020 election season. On Election Day — Nov. 3 — Biden’s lead in the average of all polls was 7.2 points (51.2% to 44%). That is according to polls of voters before the ballot-harvesting machine did its thing and “midnight magic” created all those bizarre-looking graphs.

Related: Joe Biden Is Really Screwed Now 

Bitter memories, to be sure. But there are signs that the truth is managing to work its way past the Swamp, Big Tech, and fake-news media goalkeepers and reaching the hoi polloi. Check out this year’s Real Clear Politics polling average of the Trump-Biden rematch over the past two months:

On the most recent date available — Sept. 7, 2023 — Trump and Biden are in a statistical dead heat. Separated by less than half a point, Biden averages 44.5% of the vote while Trump stands at 44.1%. Not only that, but the pair are now trading the lead back and forth. This was unheard of four years ago.

That’s a swing of 6.8 points in favor of Trump since this time in the last election cycle. And the more Biden’s family corruption is exposed, the more his weaponized, partisan justice department and its state corollaries overreach in their quest to destroy Trump, the more likely Trump is to pull decisively ahead.

It’s looking more likely than ever that Big Left will swap out Biden for a new candidate at some point before Election Day. And who knows what will happen then?


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