Democrat Voters Are Making a Shocking Admission. What Does it Mean for the Trump Campaign?

AP Photo/Matt Rourke

And now, it's time for more "Deep Thoughts With Athena."

My apologies for writing so many columns lately, rather than reporting awesome news. The total exposure of the mind-boggling scale of the left’s deception about its candidate is a seminal moment, and a massive logical reckoning is taking place. We would be wise to pause, reflect, and adjust our tactics accordingly. 


Of course, on some level, we’ve long known that our lefty friends will vote for a radish if it has a “D” next to its name. Memory care patient Joe Biden’s election in 2020 and recovering stroke survivor Sen. John Fetterman's (D-Pa.) in 2022 made this abundantly clear. But Democrats were still able to stagecraft the illusion that these men were somewhat competent. The debate on Thursday night ended that. We now know beyond question that competency is not a requirement for a Democrat candidate. Team D may as well AI-generate a “candidate” and use her to brand its actions.

But the real game changer is that ordinary Democrat voters themselves are now dropping all pretense of caring about the candidate and admitting they’re voting for the machine.

Here is a typical comment I’ve been seeing around social media:

It doesn’t matter if Biden’s debate performance wasn’t perfect. I’m not voting for a person, I’m voting for values:

  • A woman's right to choose
  • Equality for people of color
  • LGBTQ rights
  • The right to vote 
  • Sensible gun laws
  • Protecting the environment
  • Future SCOTUS judges
  • The ideals and principles of the Democratic party 

If this sounds familiar, it’s basically the equivalent of one of those preening woke lawn signs that proclaim the moral superiority of the people residing within the high-end residence. But the point is that rank-and-file Democrat voters have admitted to themselves what we’ve known all along, and they are voting for the hive with eyes wide open now.


Related: The Top 5 Lies Democrats Have Told Their Voters: A Message for My Lefty Loved Ones

For those of us who would save America, in this crucial election season, this is an OODA Loop moment:

  • Observe: Gain situational awareness via all your senses
  • Orient: Contextualize what you observe based on everything you know
  • Decide: Formulate the optimal course of action
  • Act: Execute on your decision without delay

We have observed Democrats shrugging off Biden’s disasterous debate performance, along with the fact that their own party has deceived them.

We have contextualized that the political landscape has shifted. Democrat voters have freed themselves to vote unapologetically for their goals. They have declared that the open failures of their leaders will never again deter them.

It is time now to decide. How can Candidate Trump best fight a nameless, faceless machine? There is no point in attacking Biden anymore: lefty voters will just shrug and agree while openly saying they’re voting Democrat anyway. 

If I were an advisor to the Trump Campaign, I’d recommend three principles for the rest of this election season. First, write off these Democrat-cult voters for good. They can't be shamed, and they will ride their abortions-and-drag-queens fervor all the way down. Trump has his own fervent base that will vote for him no matter what, too, so that’s a wash.


Second, this has got to be an issues-driven campaign. It’s time for Trump to drive home his plans for fixing key Democrat failures: inflation, rampant illegal immigration, and a world at war. 

  • Invite Argentina’s President Javier Milei to campaign with him to explain how he performed an economic miracle in his own country. Point to Milei's results as an example of what Americans can expect.
  • Bring the victims of illegal alien violence on board the campaign to highlight their stories. The DNC has been funding lawfare against Trump; maybe the RNC can back up some of these survivors’ cases against the Biden administration. 
  • And finally, remind Americans of the four years of global peace we enjoyed under Trump’s last administration. Inform them of how it was Barack Obama who disarmed Ukraine as a senator, and who stood by as president while Russia gobbled up Crimea. Refresh their memory about the historic Abraham Accords. Remind them that Trump stood up to China while the Bidens took tens of millions from them.

The third leg of the campaign will be dependent on who the Democrat presidential candidate ultimately is. As mentioned above, Democrat voters do not care who it is; they are voting for their party, come hell or high water. Thus, the attacks on the Democrat candidate must be highly targeted to swing voters — disaffected Democrats, undecideds, and double-haters. As abrasive as Trump can be, his gift for summing up entire records in a nickname or catch-phrase can be invaluable here. 


Then the campaign can begin to act, armed with this new understanding of what it is up against and where to direct its efforts.


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