
The Top 3 Power Moves I'd Love to See Trump Make

AP Photo/Rick Scuteri

Honestly, the energy is just so good right now. "President" Joe Biden humiliated himself and his party on an international stage at Thursday's debate. One of Trump's top campaign officials just snuck onto a Biden campaign conference call and called it "the saddest thing I’ve ever listened to." The Supreme Court's Chevron and immunity decisions reigned in unbridled government agency power while also clarifying that there is a difference between official acts and personal acts for presidents. The lawfare campaign against Trump is now in disarray. Polls are trending our way at an accelerating pace.

The wind is blowing so hard at Donald Trump's back that if he steps off a curb too brightly, he might sail into full flight. The Dems are on the ropes, and this is the perfect time for him to just pummel them — and, in that unique style of his, make the beating into a hysterical spectacle. 

The momentum is all in Trump's favor, and the time is ripe for him to go on offense. This is his moment to publicly destroy the Democrat party so badly that it can't recover no matter who it swaps in for old Joe. In the spirit of completely crushing and humiliating the deceptive, corrupt, power-abusing Democrat party, I humbly offer these three suggestions:

1. Challenge Kamala Harris to debate anytime, anywhere.

This would be a full frontal on the decrepit shell Trump is running against. It would be a brutal power play — as well as devastating for the Biden campaign — for Trump to stop playing along with the pretense that Biden could be an involved, functioning president for the next four years. Trump could just cut to the chase and demand to debate the person who would actually become president, should (God forbid) the Democrat ticket remain in office.

2. Issue his own statement on the SCOTUS immunity decision. 

It could go something like this: 

Unlike some presidents, I am not going to use my voice to criticize and undermine the Supreme Court when they make a decision I don't like. However, they just made a wonderful, very beautiful decision: it's called Trump vs. United States. Did you know that it was named after me? I have my own landmark Supreme Court decision, and I won it. Can Biden say that?

And the Supreme Court made a very beautiful decision in Trump vs. United States. It protects presidents from being prosecuted for official acts they did in office. Biden should be thanking me. Because of my landmark case, the next Trump Department of Justice can't come after him for what he did in Afghanistan, for his disaster in Afghanistan. He got 13 servicemembers killed with his disastrous withdrawal. Thirteen. And his witchhunt — have you ever seen a president weaponize the DOJ to use it against his opponent? 

In fact, Obama should thank me, too. How about Benghazi? How about wiretapping his party's opponent? Although, I don't know, is that even an official act? I'm not sure. Private acts aren't protected, you know. Maybe we'll have to look into that when we get back in office.…

3. Start doling out the nicknames for possible Biden replacements.

The Democrats may well replace Biden as their candidate at their convention in August. Now is Trump's opportunity to start highlighting the inadequacy of the shortlist of possible replacements. He has a genius for crystallizing people's shortcomings into a single word. Cackling Kamala, Gruesome Newsom, Slacker Shapiro, or the Witch of Michigan — no one calls people names like Donald Trump. Time to brand 'em early, before they even get out of the gate. 

Related: The Top 5 Lies Democrats Have Told Their Voters: A Message for My Lefty Loved Ones

Biden's campaign is crumbling, Democrats are exposed as liars and manipulators, and Trump is in command of the situation. Time to kick 'em when they're down and show them who's the boss.


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