This One Time, I'll Give Planned Parenthood a Thumbs-Up

AP Photo/Adam Bettcher, File

Okay, maybe not a thumbs-up across the board, but I don't entirely hate it. Planned Parenthood Great Rivers (PPGR), which bills itself as "the leading provider, educator and protector of reproductive health care in St. Louis and Southwest Missouri for more than 90 years," has deployed its "mobile health clinic" to Chicago to coincide with the DNC convention currently underway. There, it will busy itself preventing radical leftists from reproducing.



The mobile clinic is offering three free services during the first two days of the convention (Monday and Tuesday, Aug. 19 and 20). The first — free vasectomy — is merely a formality for Democrat eunuchs. The second is free emergency contraception, though it's unclear how someone would make a time-sensitive appointment to remedy a sexual encounter that was unplanned. The third gratis offering is so-called chemical abortion, aka the abortion pill. 

Related: Nearly Two-thirds of Women Suffer Emotional Trauma From Chemical ‘Toilet Bowl’ Abortions

"Accessibility is a core value at Planned Parenthood Great Rivers, and our mobile health clinic helps us bring care to more people who need it," said PPGR Chief Medical Officer Dr. Colleen McNicholas in a statement. "As people from across the country travel to Illinois this week, we are proud to demonstrate what is possible when policies truly support accessible reproductive health care."

"Planned Parenthood officials had announced plans for the vehicle after the fall of Roe, envisioning it as a more nimble way to travel and reach patients," reports the Chicago Tribune. "The vehicle includes a small waiting room, bathroom and two exam rooms; physicians say it was designed to replicate a patient experience similar to a brick-and-mortar health center with the ability to travel and meet patients in more convenient locations." 


The paper spotlighted a male Democrat as he casually threw away his ability ever to be a father:

At the mobile clinic site patients streamed in and out of the 37-foot retrofitted recreation vehicle for appointments Monday afternoon. 

Before his procedure, patient Marcus Aguinaga said the concept of the mobile health clinic seemed “wild” to him.

But the 27-year-old Chicago resident said he has wanted to get a vasectomy since 2020 but the procedure was cost-prohibitive; Planned Parenthood officials said vasectomies typically cost about $800 out-of-pocket and medication abortions are usually around $500. 

Aguinaga said he moved here about a year ago from Texas, where he’d watched abortion restrictions increase for several years. 

“If they’re going to make … health care so difficult, I’d rather just be preventative,” he said.

After the procedure, Aguinaga said he felt “relief.”

“I felt very taken care of,” he added.

The murder-mobile is a hit at the gathering of family-averse leftists. PPGR put out the word on Wednesday, Aug. 14, that its mobile clinic would be in town:


Three days later, the franchisee announced that all child-prevention appointments had been booked up:

Other child-suppressant groups are joining in the revelry. A group called Americans for Contraception has brought along a 20-foot-tall inflatable IUD, which is apparently big enough to have its own pronouns (she, her):

Activist Laura Packard was a guest at the White House a week ago, where she celebrated the anniversary of the misnomered Inflation Reduction Act. For scale, she is pictured below posing with Freeda last month at the ultra-progressive Netroots Nation gathering in Baltimore, Md.:


If we conservatives can just hold on for another generation or two, leftists will just about eradicate themselves and we can have our country back.


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