
The Problem With News Actors Like Chris Cuomo

AP Photo/Mike Stewart

Some insist on using the term “journalist” to describe people like Chris Cuomo. I insist on “news actor.”

The CNN male bimbo, epitome of the news actor species, has made a sudden about-face on ivermectin and the COVID shots, declaring after years of demonizing anyone who deviated from the corporate state narrative that he both suffered adverse side effects from the so-called vaccine and that he’s currently using ivermectin on the advice of a doctor.

          Related: Lawsuit Against Pharmacies That Refused to Fill Ivermectin Prescriptions Tossed Out

It turns out ivermectin is human medicine, not just for horses as the FDA and Cuomo insisted — a fact Cuomo, who, again, is an alleged newsman, figured out four years late.

 Via The Wrap (emphasis added):

Chris Cuomo’s stance on Ivermectin as a theraputic [sic] drug for COVID-19 has done a complete 180, as the news anchor who once said on CNN that anyone promoting it should be “shamed” now says he’s “taking a regular dose” to deal with his own struggles with long-term effects of an infection.

Cuomo shared in January that he’s suffering from “long COVID,” or the long-term lingering effects of a previous infection. This week on the PBD Podcast, a current-events show hosted by Patrick Bet-David, the NewsNation personality said he’s using the antiviral to help with an ongoing inflammatory response and “brain fog.”

“I’ll tell you something else that’s gonna get you a lot of hits,” Cuomo said. “I am taking … a regular dose of Ivermectin. Ivermectin was a boogeyman during COVID. That was wrong. We were given bad information about Ivermectin. The real question is, why?”

Notice the careful use of the passive voice there — the telltale sign of a pathological narcissist incapable of taking personal responsibility for anything.

Chris Cuomo made ivermectin a boogeyman during COVID based on pseudoscience. Chris Cuomo gave factually incorrect information, easily debunked by a basic five-minute research session, on ivermectin

What Cuomo didn’t know, because he knows nothing that isn’t whispered into his ear by a producer, is that the narrative he was pushing was pushed so that there was a legal justification for the emergency use authorization granted to the COVID shots, which would not have been viable if a pre-existing therapeutic was shown to work against the virus.

The entire reason that people like Cuomo are given the platforms they have is because they can be counted on to never inquire too closely into what their masters are up to.

Cuomo has previously claimed that he had complete journalistic freedom at CNN. What is actually true is that he thought he had complete journalistic freedom; the reason he never got censored is that it never occurred to him to ask any interesting questions.

This is the essential problem with news actors like Chris Cuomo. They don’t ask real questions. They lack curiosity. They allow themselves happily to be used as tools by their bosses, and may very well not know or care to what ends they are being deployed. They dutifully read whatever is put in the teleprompter and get their talking points, if not directly through memos, then through osmosis from the liberal hivemind.


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