WATCH: British State Media Hack Does Migrant Propaganda, Polish MEP Immediately Slaps Her Down

AP Photo/Czarek Sokolowski

Having gone down a rabbit hole of Eastern Europe’s policies vis-à-vis Third World immigration, I came across a wild 2018 clip featuring Cathy Newman and Dominik Tarczyński, Member of the European Parliament (MEP) on the topic of Poland’s blanket refusal of “refugees.”


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Cathy didn’t know what she was getting into. She must have thought she was dealing with a limp-wristed Tory or whatever passes for nationalism in Great Britain these days.

Eastern Europeans are built differently.

Cathy insists on calling them “refugees”; Tarczyński insists in turn on calling them illegal Muslim immigrants. Cathy is consternated that Tarczyński seems “proud” that his country rejects Muslim immigrants; Tarczyński is unfazed. Cathy asks how many “refugees” Poland has taken, and he gives her the exact answer, to which she responds by accusing him of — and you’ll be shocked — racism:

Zero… If you’re asking me about Muslim illegal immigration, none, not even one, will come to Poland, not even one if it’s illegal. We took over two million Ukrainians who are working, who are peaceful in Poland, we will not receive even one Muslim because this is what we promised…

This is why our government was elected. This is why Poland is so safe. This is the reason why we have not even one terrorist attack…. We can be called populists, nationalists, racists, I don’t care. I care about my family and my country.

The interviewer seems visibly shocked that a leader would dare question the orthodoxy that Diversity™ is a gift to be celebrated (by Western nations exclusively, as reparations for colonialism or slavery or some historical evil unique to white people) — and even more so that he would do so without any of the self-flagellation expected of (Western) leaders. 


You might recall Cathy Newman from her self-immolating “interview” with Jordan Peterson that was actually just her shadow-boxing a caricature that she made up about him, which subsequently went viral for all the reasons she wished it hadn’t — a painful exhibition of the kind of straw manning the corporate state media is notorious for. 


It’s not just rhetorical attacks in the corporate state media to try to browbeat Eastern European nations into submission; the EU has also been waging extensive lawfare over the last year to try to get them to comply.

Via France 24 (emphasis added):

The EU’s top court on Thursday fined Hungary 200 million euros ($216 million) and imposed a daily one-million-euro penalty for failing to follow the bloc’s asylum laws and illegally deporting migrants, a decision Budapest slammed as “unacceptable”.

The fine and penalty were because Hungary “is deliberately evading” compliance with the European Union laws despite a 2020 ruling that it must uphold international procedures for asylum seekers, the European Court of Justice said.

“Since this failure to fulfil obligations constitutes an unprecedented and exceptionally serious breach of EU law, the Court orders Hungary to pay a lump sum of 200 million euros and a penalty payment of one million euros per day of delay,” it said in a statement.

Hungary’s Prime Minister Viktor Orban, who is frequently at loggerheads with Brussels, immediately voiced outrage.


Yet here are the Polish handling their “refugee” crisis in the most appropriate manner possible, except that perhaps they are using non-lethal weapons like pepper spray instead of more determinative tools.

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