
Can We Trust the GOP to Reject the Next Lockdown and Vax Regime?

Salvatore Di Nolfi/Keystone via AP

The name of the game for GOP politics is, sad to say, far too often, “a day late and a dollar short.” Real leaders with courage and a set of inalienable principles would’ve been on the ball from the start of the “pandemic” in 2020.

Rather than standard politician-bashing, having this conversation now matters because there are absolutely new “pandemics” in the works at this very moment — possibly to be unleashed around election time if it looks like Trump might pull it off or, if he wins unexpectedly, in the interim period between the election and his actually taking office.

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A few high-profile Republicans were on the ball; there were, to be fair, notable standouts who outperformed their peers in terms of preserving civil liberties in the midst of the madness, like Gov. Kristi Noem (R-S.D.) — who, puppy-killing notwithstanding, has earned in my mind the right to publicly criticize her own party members who dragged their feet and went along to get along, not wanting to jeopardize future pharmaceutical lobby cash and risk condemnation in the corporate state media for killing grandmothers or whatever.

Via Business Insider, July 2021 (emphasis added):

In a Sunday speech at the Conservative Political Action Conference in Texas, Gov. Kristi Noem accused GOP governors of "rewriting history" after having instituted COVID-19 restrictions like lockdowns and mask mandates.

"We've got Republican governors across this country pretending they didn't shut down their states; that they didn't close their beaches; that they didn't mandate masks, that they didn't issue shelter-in-place orders," Noem said. "Now I'm not picking fights with Republican governors. All I'm saying is that we need leaders with grit. That their first instinct is to make the right decision. That they don't backtrack and then try to fool you into thinking they never made the wrong decision."

National-level and state-level politicians (a different beast than the relatively more honest and accountable local-level peers) are great at talking a big game — writing strongly worded letters, grandstanding in televised hearings, etc. — but when the rubber meets the road, they tend to fold to whatever interests are signing the biggest checks and walk the path of least resistance. With the exception of a tiny minority of truly principled leaders at that echelon of elected office like Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.), only extremely intense career-threatening popular blowback is ever enough to get them to change course.

Rest assured that, without the massive pressure campaign from the GOP base to get to the bottom of COVID origins and the deleterious effects of the “vaccines” and all of the other forms of malfeasance perpetrated by the public health apparatus and pharmaceutical corporations, many if not most if not all of these politicians would still be toeing the company line, because that’s how powerful the lobby class actually is, to say nothing of class solidarity with their colleagues in D.C.

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All that said, a good start in the direction of making sure the COVID era madness isn’t repeated is a pledge signed by over half of the nation’s governors — exclusively, unsurprisingly, Republican — pledging their non-compliance with future WHO edicts.

Via Children’s Health Defense (emphasis added):

Twenty-six U.S. governors — over half of the nation’s state leaders — have stated publicly that they will not comply with a World Health Organization (WHO)-led global attempt at controlling U.S. Americans’ health.

In their Aug. 29 statement, the 26 governors — all Republicans — and the Republican Governors Association accused the WHO of “attempting one world control over health policy” by promoting a “pandemic agreement” or “pandemic treaty.”

“Put simply,” they wrote, “Republican Governors will not comply.”


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