MSNBC News Actress Confronted Over Migrant Coverage, Bodyguard Assaults Journalist

Chris Pizzello

You’ve never seen a field journalist retreat from a conversation as fast as MSNBC field reporter Maggie Vespa when she realizes she might face the slightest bit of criticism for her “coverage” of the migrant crisis in Ohio — which amounts to “debunking” the verifiable claims of Haitian pet-eating while ignoring the larger issue of 20,000 foreigners dumped in a small town of 58,000 virtually overnight.


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Here is Vespa fearmongering on corporate air about alleged bomb threats at school caused by the right acknowledging the calamity that is the “migrant” crisis in Ohio and elsewhere, accusing the right of targeting “little kids of color.”


At one point, while on the ground in Ohio, her obese bodyguard assaults an actual reporter for asking why her coverage is so narrowly focused, demagogic, and shallow.

Via Shore News Network (emphasis added):

A confrontation occurred involving independent journalist Nick Sortor and MSNBC reporter Maggie Vespa after Sortor questioned Vespa regarding her coverage of the former President.

The incident took place during Vespa’s reporting in Springfield, Ohio, and has since gained attention on social media.

While he was simply asking her questions, in the manner MSNBC often employs, Sortor was assaulted by a large man, whose affiliation with the network is unknown at this time.

At no point during the recorded interview did Sortor act aggressively or confrontationally. The violence was sparked by a man who appeared to be a body guard for the MSNBC reported, but his identity and relationship to the network has not been confirmed.


Apparently, MSNBC's standards for bodyguards are lamentably low; this guy is a real butterball with enormous male breasts.

“I PERSONALLY confronted the MSNBC ‘reporter’ here in Springfield, Ohio who is now on TV with Lester Holt blaming President Trump for his own ass*ss*nation attempt,” independent journalist Nick Sortor wrote on Twitter. “And she tried to have me ARRESTED.”

I was under the mistaken impression that reporters dispatched to the field are sent there to, like, talk to people they meet — to try to get a cornucopia of perspectives and then synthesize that into some kind of comprehensive narrative regarding whatever event or thing they’re supposed to be covering for the benefit of the reader or viewer, so that they can come to an informed conclusion about matters of public import.

Maggie Vespa and her ilk apparently have a quite different take on what hard news coverage is supposed to be about — namely, doing propaganda for their masters and assaulting anyone who asks questions that make them even slightly uncomfortable.

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