Irony? State Department Bigots Issue ‘Do Not Travel’ Haiti Advisory

AP Photo/Matias Delacroix, File

“DO NOT TRAVEL” blares the red warning at the top of the State Department page.

Things you’re not supposed to do in Haiti, per the U.S. government, if you ignore the BLARING RED warning and go anyway:

  • “Using any kind of public transportation or taxis.” 
  • “Visiting banks and using ATMs.”
  • “Driving at night.”
  • “Traveling anywhere after dark.” 
  • “Traveling without prior approval and special security measures in place.”

Via U.S. State Department, Sept. 18 (emphasis added):

Since March 2024, Haiti has been under a State of Emergency. Crimes involving firearms are common in Haiti. They include robbery, carjackings, sexual assault, and kidnappings for ransom. Kidnapping is widespread, and U.S. citizens have been victims and have been hurt or killed. Kidnappers may plan carefully or target victims at random, unplanned times. Kidnappers will even target and attack convoys. Kidnapping cases often involve ransom requests. Victims’ families have paid thousands of dollars to rescue their family members. 

Protests, demonstrations, and roadblocks are common and unpredictable. They often damage or destroy infrastructure and can become violent. Mob killings and assaults by the public have increased, including targeting those suspected of committing crimes.  

The airport in Port-au-Prince can be a focal point for armed activity. Armed robberies are common. Carjackers attack private vehicles stuck in traffic. They often target lone drivers, especially women. As a result, the U.S. embassy requires its staff to use official transportation to and from the airport.


It’s unclear how the governing authorities can square these two simultaneous claims: Haiti is a dystopian hellhole where wanton violence is so rampant that even visiting the country is an existential threat; and, tens of thousands of Haitians imported overnight into the Midwest is actually a bounty from the benevolent Diversity™ gods and any claims of adverse social effects are conspiratorial hatespeech.

RelatedWATCH: British State Media Hack Does Migrant Propaganda, Polish MEP Immediately Slaps Her Down

Obviously, a Haitian migrant fresh off of a boat is going to have wildly divergent habits and sensibilities than a native American citizen. Which isn’t to say that assimilation is impossible, but it’s definitely not automatic.

At any rate, you’d have to assume that the intent of the governing authorities vis a vis the millions of unvetted migrants they're allowing to pour over the border is to assimilate them when, in fact, it appears the exact opposite is their true intention. 

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