
The Hands-Down Weirdest Climate Change™ Propaganda Campaign You’ve Ever Seen

AP Photo/David McFadden

The market we live and die in is competitive; there are only so many eyeballs and so much attention span in a sea of online content. So the incentive is there to, at times, hyperbolize headlines.

This is not one of those times.

This is the weirdest Climate Change™ propaganda campaign you’ve likely ever seen.

The social engineers of British municipality Rochdale have erected a gigantic 27-foot baby replica to terrorize the children of the town into supporting Climate Change™ mitigation efforts — through some kind of sordid sophistry.

Related: Hillary Claims ‘Climate Change’ Killed 500,000 Last Year, ‘Particularly Pregnant Women’

Via Daily Star (emphasis added):

Folk were freaked out when a 'creepy' puppet of a giant baby that looks like a 27ft Chucky doll turned up in their town’s square.

The figure - called 'Lilly’ - was installed in Rochdale, Greater Manchester, by the local council to encourage schoolchildren to talk about the environment.

Officials recorded what kids said to the baby and plan to broadcast their remarks from its mouth at an event next month.

But locals have been left horrified by the puppet which opens and closes its eyes and resembles the serial killer doll in the Child’s Play horror movie series…

Rochdale Borough Council said it was `lucky the baby is a puppet’ or she `would be upset’ by the criticism.

"This is an event for young children and they love her, the response has been fantastic,"’ the authority added.

Officials said schoolchildren who visited the puppet sang and spoke to it about their feelings on the climate crisis and how they plan to look after nature.

The recordings will be played back when the puppet stars at an environmental arts festival at Hollingworth Lake Country Park on October 24.

The gist of this production, as explained above, is apparently that carbon dioxide is going to kill monstrous babies — like, presumably, more than Planned Parenthood or the COVID shots have been able to accomplish — unless the West succumbs to deindustrialization.

Via The Guardian (emphasis added):

One person told BBC Radio Manchester they had “never seen anything like this in Rochdale before”, while another said the baby was reminiscent of the 1990 sci-fi comedy sequel Honey, I Blew Up the Kid.

They said: “I came around the corner and I thought: ‘It’s just creepy with its eyes shut, never mind open.’”…

The three-day Wild Wanders event is funded by Arts Council England and the Garfield Weston Foundation. The council described it as a “family friendly outdoor environmental arts event, raising awareness of the climate crisis while encouraging visitors to think positively about what they can do to make the world a better place for future generations”.

RelatedStudy: The Science™ Pins Climate Change™ on Human Breathing

Interestingly, Arts Council England — one of the sponsors of this thing — is the brainchild of notorious economist John Maynard Keynes, pioneer of Keynesian economics and bane of anarcho-capitalists, which may or may not explain, in whole or in part, the philanthropy’s obsession with climate change.

Via Wikipedia (emphasis added):

Arts Council England is an arm's length non-departmental public body of the Department for Culture, Media and Sport. It is also a registered charity. It was formed in 1994 when the Arts Council of Great Britain was divided into three separate bodies for England, Scotland and Wales. The arts funding system in England underwent considerable reorganisation in 2002 when all of the regional arts boards were subsumed into Arts Council England and became regional offices of the national organisation…

The Arts Council of Great Britain was created in 1946 by Royal Charter on the initiative of John Maynard Keynes.


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