Christian Lawmakers Take a Stand Against Arkansas Abortion Amendment

Photo Courtesy of Michael Brown

As Democrats double down on their obsession with killing babies, a group of Christian lawmakers is speaking out against a radical proposed Arkansas abortion amendment.


The National Association of Christian Lawmakers (NACL) is calling out the deceptively named “Arkansas Reproductive Healthcare Amendment,” which would “institutionalize the killing of unborn babies in the Arkansas Constitution.” As Arkansas Rep. Mary Bentley (R-54th district), Chair of the NACL Legislative Council, said in the Nov. 28 NACL press release, “Abortion, masquerading as healthcare, is a deceptive euphemism for the tragic act of ending innocent lives. Let us reject the heinous act of murder and the cloak of deceit designed to obscure it. In defense of the vulnerable, we affirm that the protection of life is a cause worth fighting for.”

While Arkansas Attorney General Tim Griffin rejected the current name and ballot title for the pro-abortion amendment this week, activists are still fully committed to trying to get the measure on the 2024 ballot. Surgical abortions kill babies in horrific and excruciating ways, while abortion pills essentially starve unborn babies to death. Abortion is also terrible for mothers, who are at a much higher risk of depression, suicide, trauma, and other severe issues after getting abortions. According to NACL, the proposed amendment would allow abortions up to birth.

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The NACL explained the reason for its press release. “Arkansas recently witnessed the passing of the most transformative pro-life legislation in the nation, a testament to the state’s dedication to protecting the sanctity of life,” the group stated. “NACL stands united in defense of the unborn and strongly encourages Arkansans to voice their unwavering support for life and their opposition to any attempts to amend the constitution in favor of abortionists.” Indeed, God said in Jer. 1:5, “Before I formed thee in the bowels of thy mother, I knew thee.”


Sen. Kim Hammer (R-16th district), Arkansas state chair of NACL and also a pastor, declared, “Every child, from the moment of conception, is a precious gift from God, and NACL in Arkansas will passionately oppose any measure that seeks to legalize the unthinkable act of murdering babies.” 

He added a call for the state’s citizens to stand for the right to life that our Founding Fathers treasured so much, “I implore all Arkansans to join us in resolute opposition to the proposed constitutional amendment, declaring loudly and clearly that we stand for life, love, and the unalienable right to exist for every unborn child.”


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