Biden’s ’Inflation Reduction Act’ Enriches Commie China

AP Photo/Alex Brandon

It will be unsurprising to most of us that the wildly misnamed “Inflation Reduction Act” from the Biden administration not only did not help American citizens — but actually helped America’s existential enemy, Communist China.


There is evidence that Joe Biden and his family have been receiving laundered Chinese money for years, and both Biden himself and his administration’s officials have consistently pandered to the genocidal and America-hating Chinese Communist Party (CCP). It is not surprising, therefore, but it is deeply disturbing, that the Democrats’ ridiculously mislabeled “Inflation Reduction Act” (IRA) actively harmed Americans, even while benefiting our enemies.

Breitbart News, in a May 18 piece sponsored by Americans for Limited Government, quoted and provided evidence to back up a Donald Trump ad. Trump claimed: “Biden’s pro-China economic program puts America last, and it’s killing our country.” Breitbart and Americans for Limited Government found Trump was indeed right about his Democrat presidential opponent’s economic policies being a gift to the CCP.

Before reading from Breitbart below, keep in mind that everything in the so-called private sector in China is subject to “civil-military fusion,” meaning it must be accessible to the CCP and its military.

One of the worst instances of this is Biden’s signature domestic “achievement,” the so-called Inflation Reduction Act (IRA). Not only has this done nothing to stop inflation, it’s also proving to be a giveaway to the Chinese Communist Party. While China is building military bases on our doorstep, Joe Biden—instead of proving he’s merely asleep at the wheel—has invited Xi Jinping inside and asked him to drive… China is co-opting American companies and sucking billions in green scam tax credits…

Moreover, as if we hadn’t learned our lesson during COVID about the dangers of outsourcing medical production, proposed expansions to the IRA will slash the U.S. biopharma industry.

Buried in the IRA is command and control language that Joe Biden could only have learned from the Chinese Communist Party. The IRA language allows the government to dictate price controls on some prescription medicines for seniors under Medicare… And it won’t just kill access to new cures, it will kill American jobs.


Various provisions from the insidious Biden administration for prescription drugs are projected to eliminate around 136,000 to 216,000 jobs in the biopharma industry. Not only that, but between 678,000 to 1,076,000 U.S. jobs will end up being killed through resulting indirect layoffs.

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Interestingly, Breitbart noted also that Biden’s IRA is “slashing” Medicare for U.S. seniors’ drug-coverage plan, something that will come into force in 2025, so that either Trump can be blamed or it is already set before a second Biden term. This is all very deliberately planned.

As Breitbart and Americans for Limited Government concluded, “We are in a horrifying time of human history, where all the inventions that America has created over the last 200 years will help the Chinese government achieve its 2,000-year-old dream of global domination.”


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