Pro-Hamas Protests Continue at Columbia University as a New School Year Begins

AP Photo/Stefan Jeremiah

There’s nothing like the beginning of the school year. From preschool to college, there’s an air of excitement as the year begins. New classes and new experiences help generate a sense of anticipation of what’s to come.


And then there’s Columbia University. I can’t imagine the sense of anticipation as students went back to that campus. If any students were worried that the anti-Israel, pro-terrorism protests would kick back up with the new academic year, those fears came true. The protesters didn’t even wait until after the first day of classes.

“Columbia University resumed classes Tuesday with students sunbathing and eating ice cream on the lawn that was home to a pro-Palestinian encampment last spring,” reports the Associated Press. “But there were also fresh demonstrations just off campus, and students and faculty say they’re planning for more as the new school year unfolds.”

That’s one of the good things the school’s new leadership has done, moving the protests off the main areas of campus. But some of the other tactics the new administration is engaging in sound like they’re straight out of the left’s silly playbook.

“In recent weeks, the university’s new leadership has embarked on listening sessions aimed at cooling tensions, released a report on campus antisemitism and circulated new protest guidelines meant to limit disruption. But student organizers are undeterred, promising to ramp up their actions — including possible encampments — until the university agrees to cut ties with companies linked to Israel.”


Listening sessions. Yay.

Related: University of Georgia Hands Down Harsh Consequences for Anti-Israel Protesters

The protesters are now having to gather outside the gates of the university. Of course, that hasn’t stopped them from trying to disrupt as much as possible.

“Anti-Israel students brought chaos to Columbia University on Tuesday morning, returning the campus to its new normal: dozens of keffiyeh-clad protesters blocked the entrance to the school, praising Hamas, vandalizing a statue, and clashing with police,” reports the Washington Free Beacon. “At least one group involved aims to bring violence to America, while others called on their followers to help shut down the university.”

Naturally, the protesters are continuing their wrong-headed and patently false rhetoric of “genocide” and threaten to continue to disrupt the university as much as they can as long as Columbia continues to “invest and to benefit from Israeli apartheid,” as one protest leader put it. Protesters donned keffiyehs and masks (so brave) to make life more inconvenient for students and faculty.


These protesters continue to create havoc at Columbia and other campuses based on lies and ignorance. Come to think of it, isn’t that what most of the left does?


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