The Other Problem With Gaza

AP Photo/Alberto Pezzali

"Many towns that insolently opposed the command of its Lord and His messengers we have brought severely to account and punished it with a ruinous punishment." —Koran, 65:8 


Gaza is not only a problem for the Israelis but for much of the world as well. It is a telling fact that no Arab states have opened their doors to Gazan refugees, recognizing as did Jordan in 1970 during the Black September movement that the Palestinians were a destabilizing force. Jordan expelled the cohort to Lebanon where it has since effectively destroyed the country. The surrounding Arab states are no fools and want nothing to do with Gaza. To counter their indifference, the ever-credulous West has taken up the slack out of “compassion” or political calculation — more grateful voters. 

We have seen the bedlam caused by Palestinians and their buddies in New York and should not be surprised that over 1,000 police officers called in sick rather than protect the Democratic National Convention in Chicago, a city which, as Rick Moran indicates, “is home to the largest concentration of Palestinians in the United States.” The chaos that ensued could have been — and was — predicted; that is what these people and their sympathizers do. Again, Moran is correct: “The brain-dead protesters in Chicago don't realize or don't care that terrorists are manipulating them into doing their bidding.”  

We know that Scotland was entertaining the idea of chauffeuring Gazans into the heartland. The Irish are also contemplating once again wrecking their civil order. Politico reports that the increasingly popular Sinn Féin party is “forcing Gaza higher up the political agenda,” and former Israeli spy Jonathan Pollard suggests that Gazans should move to Ireland, the most pro-Palestinian country in Europe. 


The U.K., rated as the rape capital of Europe, plainly has an accelerating Muslim problem, which it refuses to acknowledge as the nation plunges ever more steeply into civil strife. It has chosen instead to arrest white working-class rioters who have taken justifiable issue with the stabbing deaths of three young girls in Merseyside by a Rwandan youth, who, as it turns out, does not appear to be Muslim. 

But the trope of a lighted match in a tinderbox is apt. Anti-Muslim sentiment has been inflamed by the Pakistani grooming gangs raping and targeting young girls for the sex trade, which explains the violent citizen reaction against the sons of Islam. 

Now we hear that Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese is issuing visas with the speed of a croupier dealing playing cards to Gazan applicants, 3,000 of whom have already applied for admittance to the country. Nor is there any serious effort at vetting these new arrivals, as parliamentarian Pauline Hanson points out, for their backgrounds cannot be thoroughly investigated due to the lack of reliable documentation. Hanson further argued that the process is being rushed and does not adequately safeguard Australian interests. 

Former prime minister Tony Abbott has gone on record opposing the Labor Government’s program: “This idea that we are properly vetting people from Gaza, it's just impossible. Anyone that we take from Gaza right now, you’ve got to assume is a Hamas sympathiser.” His reasoning is solid, especially as the terror threat has risen from “possible” to “probable.” 


What goes for Australia goes for Canada. As I wrote previously, the problem with Gazans is that they are “several generations steeped in professional hate, self-proclaimed victimhood, and grifting leaders.” Palestinians of any shape or form are a bad immigration bet as the antisemitic mayhem on our streets and university campuses should make nitrically clear even to the most insensate among us. 

A recent poll found that over 70% of Palestinians support the barbaric October 7 terror attacks by Hamas on defenseless and vulnerable Israeli civilians, including torching families alive, gang rape, beheadings, mass kidnap, and torture. Polls also indicate the majority of Gazans are Hamas partisans and proxies. No sensible person can shirk the obvious question. Are these the kind of people we want living among us?  

On my way to attend a seminar in my professional field one afternoon in Ottawa, I recall driving by a large and turbulent crowd of Palestinians flying their flag, shoving pedestrians, and blocking traffic as they demonstrated before the Israeli embassy. There were no counter-protesters, at least in part because normal people were too busy at work supporting their families, contributing to the economy, and generating the tax revenues funding these idle Palestinian cadgers with hefty welfare cheques. As a Canadian taxpayer, why would I want to bankroll these people?

Notwithstanding, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, who looks quite dashing in a jalabiya, is set to import 5,000 Gazans, an initiative that argues for a further upsurge in antisemitism, more disruptive Palestinian and pro-Palestinian demonstrations and certainly even more dereliction of duty by the police and political officials who will overlook and thus condone the Muslim-inspired breakdown of public order lest they be considered racist. 


As former First Minister and the last living signatory to the 1982 Canadian Constitution Brian Peckford writes, “Is it any wonder immigration is eating away at the very fabric of our Judaeo-Christian Tradition, infesting the schools and our universities with ideas that run counter to our values that have made this country?” (Personal communication.) Peckford would not bat an eye to learn that, according to the Montreal Gazette, “Young Canadians lead nation in Holocaust skepticism, support for Hamas.” 

True to form, Trudeau is presently encouraging even more immigrants to breach our borders — diversity, don’t you know. This new tribe of sycophants, who will receive favorable financial considerations and permanent residency, consists in large measure of French-speaking Africans, including Muslim populations from Chad, Tunisia, and Morocco. What could go wrong? I am put in mind of many of the original settlers who built this country, almost exclusively from Europe, who apart from land grants in the wilderness, received little to nothing in the way of accommodation privileges. Susanna Moodie’s "Roughing It in the Bush" tells a significant part of the story. 

My own grandparents over from the “old country” worked as tailors, small shopkeepers, and liveried servants. My mother studied shorthand and became an excellent secretary. My uncle earned a precarious living making frames for women’s purses. They expected nothing from the government in the way of handouts — neither tax breaks, child support, pensions, cultural advantages, employment assistance, generous welfare payments, in short, no prerogatives of any sort — entirely the opposite of the largesse our new, non-industrious residents are enjoying. 


For our forefathers, it was a first-generation grind and a life of extreme hardship, but they labored diligently and were grateful, and, for the most part, they were decent taxpaying citizens. They did not transfer animosities from their former nations or agitate to render their new homes more like the miserable lands they had escaped.

This is blatantly not the case any longer, particularly when a growing majority of newcomers hail from Islamic nations. Individual concessions to common sense will be made from time to time to assure the public, especially if a disturbing incident comes to light. A recent instance: Two Muslim men, Ahmed Fouad Mostafa Eididi and his son, were in the advanced stages of planning a violent attack in Toronto on behalf of ISIS. 

Luckily, the plot was intercepted. But such arrests, for whatever reason, are more the exception than the rule. We should not be deceived by the occasional would-be terrorist taken into custody. It is nothing but a kind of “lost leader” to sell something far greater. 

Are we then to assume that French-speaking Muslims from Africa would join a peaceable national conversation? That Hamas terrorists would not be embedded within Trudeau’s 5,000 Gazan stipendiaries and would somehow refrain from joining the escalating Palestinian turmoil riling our cities? Halifax, Toronto, Montreal, Ottawa, Edmonton, and Vancouver are among the Koran’s “many towns” that will be “brought severely to account.”

Rebel News reporter Avi Yemeni prudently writes: “We don't need to bring more people who hate our liberal democratic way of life and will one day potentially support an October 7-style attack on our shores for whatever twisted reason.” An even more twisted reason is the Western resolve to welcome adherents of a cult or faction that is fundamentally alien and inimical to the culture and civilization that sustains both our prosperity and our very existence. Indeed, for whatever reason — globalist diffusion, population replacement, self-hatred — the stupidity is so immense one could measure the length of infinity by it. As they say, Go figure!



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