The New Pandemic Treaty

AP Photo/Ng Han Guan, file

The Ultimate goal is not merely to become more outrageously wealthy but also to become more extraordinarily powerful and able to bend humanity to their will


— Peter and Ginger Breggin, "COVID-19 and the Global Predators"


The proposed International Treaty on Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness, and Response at the World Health Assembly (May 2024), the brainchild of the World Health Organization (WHO) and The United Nations’ Agenda 2030, was temporarily prorogued as member states failed to reach agreement over various thorny issues like a global sharing formula for vaccines and other unresolved articles in the draft text. 

Now, the WHO has appended a series of last-minute adjustments to the International Health Regulations, in the form of a parallel document, the Amendments to the International Health Regulations (IHR), that reprises the earlier version and then some. It will grant the organization unique and unrivaled control over our national sovereignty. These amendments will empower the WHO to declare pandemic emergencies, enforce mandatory vaccines, impose travel bans, deny personal choice of medical care, expand surveillance protocols, and enforce other restrictive measures on society — precisely as stipulated by the original treaty but with added clout. 

Obviously, national public health policy is not the prerogative of intrusive and unelected international bodies. If countries do not opt out of the IHR and its binding legal authority, they will allow an alien conglomerate, consisting of oligarchic backers, Big Pharma, UN elites, medical autocrats, and unelected bureaucrats to gain monolithic power over citizens’ lives. These are the actors whom Jack Posobiec calls Unhumans and Seamus Bruner refers to as Controligarchs.


The Madrid-based Civic Organization CitizenGo warns that, if left unchallenged, “these regulations could significantly erode your freedoms, change your daily life, block your travel, your work and even your freedom to worship, and grant unprecedented power to unelected globalist bureaucrats.” Indeed, the WHO program is part of a broader calendar to centralize power and control in the interests of supervening entities associated with international organizations like the United Nations and the Coalition of Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI), or corporate collectives like the European Union, which are intent on usurping the traditional prerogatives of the autonomous state initially purpose-built to serve its citizens. Public policy will then be dictated by a cadre of strangers who have no sympathy with the cultures of the people they presume to rule. In their onslaught on the democratic polity, the pandemic (along with Climate Change or Global Warming) is their weapon of choice.

Some of the IHR measures that the WHO intends to enact may be readily bulleted:  

  • authority to declare pandemics, triggering global measures
  • expanded power to declare emergencies
  • imposition of isolation and quarantine on travel and work
  • compulsory medical exams and vaccinations
  • surveillance and control of non-WHO-approved information, targeted as “disinformation,” a censorship policy already gaining domestic and political momentum
  • detailed requirements for health certificates to allow for work, travel, and access to social amenities, facilities, and public venues
  • implementing censorship algorithms on social media to impede “unacceptable” communication.

As CitizenGo reports,  these articles were pushed through in the most questionable manner. The WHO bypassed rules and procedures at the last minute to force through a set of new amendments to the International Health Regulations. It did not follow the official protocol and claimed a consensus when only a third of the member states were present — in essence, a blatant and illegitimate power grab by the radical left.

Regrettably, it appears that most people have not understood, as Nigel Hannaford comments in the Western Standard, that “we have been fed a line on COVID.” And the deception goes on. The FDA is already in anticipatory mode, wasting no time in approving a vaccine for the Omicron variant KP.2 strain for emergency use, though, as Rebel News remarks, there’s no emergency. As to be expected, the FDA pays no attention to six-month clinical trial data “which revealed the COVID-19 injections caused more harm than good, with misrepresented data, misleading demographics, and procedural flaws.” But there’s more to come. Monkeypox, Avian Flu, Zika, Nipah, Mers, West Nile Virus, Oropouche, Western Equine Encephalitis, and who knows what other viral cataclysms are lurking around the subversive corner, causing all the mainstream sites and outlets to clutch their pearls and bemoan vast mortality counts whatever the real numbers, which in certain instances may be quite minimal.


The Internet is chockful of panic-mode warnings of deaths galore associated with COVID-19 rather than with the likelier vaccines — a grift that keeps on grifting. It is brimming with dozens of new lethal viruses, many with markedly low fatalities; with COVID poised to re-emerge; and, of course, with the dread specter of Disease X, the unknown killer just waiting to burst on the scene, though nobody knows what it is or where it’s hiding. We are being tediously lectured on our unpreparedness for the “next pandemic,” a rhetorical gambit that is really a sly Judas kiss. No one ever thought of constantly gearing up for a “next pandemic;” of perpetually looking over their shoulders for the latest viral threat; of spending major time reading the entrails of official reports, tallies, statistics, reviews, and dispatches; of taking their bought-and-paid-for, mantra-peddling news programs at face value — none of this became a habit of mind until COVID evolved into a blue-check business. Fortunes were to be made and limitless power to be enjoyed by a gang of international raptors at the expense of a cowering and credulous public. 

As Peter and Ginger Breggin write in their monumental volume, "COVID-19 and the Global Predators," “a loose but coordinated array of billionaires, tech companies, public health schools and authorities, major worldwide corporations and their allies had been planning for at least four years to make a financial killing on what they defined and repeatedly predicted as the inevitable and soon-to-arrive pandemic.” They unleashed a massive propaganda campaign to soften up the world for “accepting dangerously rushed vaccination programs.” Will people fall for it once again?


The scam should have been obvious the moment the Pandemic incantation “Do the right thing!” was endlessly repeated on television, social media, and the press, as if by rote, by an army of medical authorities and political leaders without the slightest change in wording or inflexion, like a pre-taped message delivered by a factory of AI automatons. The rigid uniformity of talking points indicating a single-origin, formulaic memo did not seem to register with the populace. The entire scheme was plainly scripted. Yet people went for the zombified ritual, without a scintilla of independent thought or native skepticism.

Related: The ESG Conspiracy

In planning what amounts to a political coup under the guise of medical solicitude and responsibility, the WHO and its partners are trading on false credentials and fabricated authority. The outfit’s insidious calculations will obviously need to be recognized and resisted by a potentially alert citizenry, not an encouraging prospect but an absolutely necessary one, if we wish to continue living in a pluralist democracy rather than a multinational regency dominated by a clan of sinister oligarchs, UN apparatchiks, medical satraps, and communist functionaries. 

We have pivotal elections coming up in the U.S. and in my own country, Canada. To counter the ill-omened plans of the WHO and its corporate, government, and media confederates, we have no option but to vote out the Soviet-style parties currently in power  that are complicit with those who would assume an illegitimate authority over our national sovereignty. This is our do-or-die moment.




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