That’s Trudeau for You

AP Photo/Andrew Harnik

"Accountability in government no longer meets present-day requirements." 
—Democracy in Canada, Donald J. Savoie

We have a critically serious problem in Canada. Its name is Justin Trudeau, whom many believe to be the absolute worst and least accountable prime minister ever to govern the country since the Constitution Act of 1867. And they may be right. Barring a principled new government and a miracle from on high, it may not be possible to Make Canada Canada Again. Why do so many people consider this scandal-prone prime minister to be nothing short of a national disaster, economic and otherwise? Let us count only a few of the ways, for the list is interminable.


After having mandated a series of coercive, anti-constitutional measures during the pandemic, turning citizens against one another, lying about the Trucker’s Freedom Convoy, punishing and insulting the anti-vaxxers (who increasingly look as if they were right), needlessly invoking the seldom-used Emergencies Act against a peaceful protest of blue-collar patriots and freezing their bank accounts, Trudeau has now ordered all mRNA vaccine vials destroyed, likely hiding the fact that some of these vaccines contained lethal elements such as graphene and no doubt other noxious substances. These supplies should have been preserved intact for complete analysis and further study. Now we may never know who should be investigated for possible crimes against humanity. 

That’s Trudeau for you.

The Liberal government has introduced Bill C-293, the Pandemic Prevention and Preparedness Act, which threatens to deliver control of key sectors of the nation to unelected global elites and international organizations like the World Economic Forum (WEF), the World Health Organization (WHO), the World Organisation for Animal Health (WOAH), the United Nations’ Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and Environment Programme (UNEP). 

As LifeSite News, CitizenGo, and other sources report, the provisions of the Bill include regulating commercial activities such as agriculture, animal husbandry, and energy extraction that can supposedly contribute to pandemics. The administration argues for and will doubtlessly legislate in favor of “alternative proteins” (read crickets and mealworms) and enables contact tracing of persons. Meat production will be targeted, the farming industry will be devastated, the exploitation of natural resources will be curtailed, and the autonomy of the individual will have been sacrificed to government censorship and globalist overreach. 


This will allow foreign bodies and institutions to exert unprecedented control over Canada's sovereignty, minus the slightest degree of accountability. Our prime minister is a gold card member of a globalist elite that, as Edward Dowd writes, is “trying to destroy farms, land, businesses, freedoms, housing, individual wealth, travel and (ultimately) to own them.” 

That’s Trudeau for you. 

I have written on many occasions for this site and others regarding Canada’s Orwellian Bill C-63 (Online Harms Act), which determines in effect that any form of speech critical of the government, or that is seen to violate the tenets of political correctness, or that can be arbitrarily defined as “disinformation” or “racism” or “hate” will be considered as criminal. Penalties range from termination of an offender’s media address, house arrest, warrantless searches and seizures, fines of up to $70,000, and jail sentences for the accused that can culminate in imprisonment for life. Complaints can be filed anonymously, nullifying the possibility of a capable defense. Moreover, our courts would be empowered to criminalize retrospective commentary judged to be “hateful,” as well as potential future offenses. C-63 is nothing less than a piece of blatantly totalitarian legislation weaving surreptitiously into the fabric of common usage. 

That’s Trudeau for you.

Trudeau, who has swamped the country with massive immigration numbers, now plans to relocate a veritable army of so-called “asylum seekers” from Quebec and Ontario to other provinces across Canada. At one point Ottawa was considering purchasing hotels to house these foreign claimants, a costly and socially disruptive practice, as occurred when government-housed third-world immigrants trashed the Radisson Hotel in Toronto. My own heavily indebted province of British Columbia has been earmarked to receive 32,500 of these “asylum seekers,” a cohort that it has neither the finances, resources, nor infrastructure to accommodate. Alberta Premier Danielle Smith notes that “Excessive levels of immigration to this province are increasing the cost of living and straining public services for everyone,” adding that the province cannot afford to take in additional aliens under the current circumstances. 


Trudeau is also set to import 5,000 Gazans, a sure-fire recipe for mounting antisemitism, violent demonstrations, assaults on institutions and persons, and the breakdown of public order. American readers will be familiar with this electoral strategy from the Biden-Harris border catastrophe, flooding the country with grateful Democrat or, in our case, Liberal voters. Canada would devolve from a multi-party nation into a Liberal fiefdom. 

Other countries are starting dimly to see the error of their ways. Sweden is offering migrants $34,000 to leave. As Newsmax reports, citing the Swedish Migration Agency, “The Swedish government has tightened asylum and immigration rules, and the country is on track to receive its lowest number of asylum applications since 1997.” Britain and Italy are working to curb migrant boats from reaching their shores. Holland is considering legislation to stanch the flux of migrants into the country. Even migrant-friendly Germany is having second thoughts. Meanwhile, Canada is chugging pell-mell in the opposite direction, bringing the nation ever closer to bankruptcy and civic disarray. 

That’s Trudeau for you.

Then we have the prime minister’s signature boondoggle, the completely unnecessary carbon tax, which is costing Canadians, as the Western Standard reports, “currently 17 cents per litre of gasoline, 21 cents per litre of diesel and 15 cents per cubic metre of natural gas. Trudeau plans to increase the carbon tax to 37 cents per litre of gasoline by 2030.” (That’s an extra $1.60 per gallon over and above the already exorbitant price of approximately $2 per litre, or $8 per gallon.)


The Parliamentary Budget Officer has confirmed that the carbon tax is a “net overall cost for average families when all costs are included.” The levy makes “the cost of groceries, fuel, and home heating soar and forces record numbers of Canadians to rely on food banks and live in homeless encampments," said Conservative MP Melissa Lantsman. Additionally, the government charges GST (Goods and Services Tax) on top of the carbon tax. But no worries. According to Liberal spokesperson Kaitlin Power, “Our plan is working, the economy is strong and we’re building resilient communities.” Such people lie so insistently as to erase the very concept of truth in the mind of the befuddled recipient. 

Carbonomics has battered the trucking industry with the vengeful surcharge, adding approximately $10,000 in annual operating costs per truck, an expense passed on to the consumer. According to a fact-based op-ed in the Toronto Sun by Franco Terrazzano, federal director of the Canadian Trucking Alliance, “Trudeau’s carbon tax added $2 billion to trucking costs this year, a number that will rise to $4 billion in 2030. But these numbers just account for long-haul trucking. The total amount of money that Trudeau’s carbon tax is costing the trucking industry is likely significantly higher.” The fact is, “the carbon tax is a tax on everything.” 

The Fraser Institute has estimated that the carbon tax will cost the average Canadian worker $6,700 annually by 2030. It will also reduce Canada’s GDP by 6.2%. This is the prime minister’s legacy: make life as miserable as possible for the average citizen with a policy that will not affect the climate one discernible jot, though it will serve to impoverish the people and place future generations under a crushing burden of debt. But the prime minister remains both impenitent and unaccountable. “I don’t think about monetary policy,” he opines. 


That’s Trudeau for you.

It seems clear from the above that Trudeau is following at least some of the principles outlined in The Communist Manifesto, including a punitive tax system, concentration of credit and banking in the hands of the state, centralization of transport, infrastructure, and communication networks, control of industries and manufacturing facilities, and advocacy for an internationalist system of governance, today known as globalism. Joe Rogan gets it right regarding the passage of the Trudeau-Liberals' Online Harms Act: “They’re in the middle of a full-blown communist takeover. Compelled speech has a terrible ending. It always ends in communism. Someone has to compel that speech [and] who does that? People with guns.” 

Trudeau is Canada’s nemesis. “He has done more possibly irreparable harm to Canada,” writes Lindo Slobodian at the Western Standard, “than anyone in history, [seeking] to further divide Canadians by fabricating racism, misogyny, white supremacy, and other imaginary faults.” But there is also a frivolous side to the prime minister, as denoted by his penchant for rainbow socks, garish costumes, and ridiculous utterances

To add to the burlesque, his Department of National Defence has subsidized a feminist study asserting that outer space is racist, colonialist, sexist, and environmentally destructive. There is no question that feminists are among the dumbest people on the planet, with all the intellectual vibrancy of a bumper sticker. They are the stuff of deflationary satire — see, for example, the Fiamengo File’s annihilating putdown. So we should not be surprised to learn, according to the report, that terms such as “mankind,” “envoys of mankind,” “man’s entry into outer space,” “manned and unmanned stations of the moon,” “manned spacecraft,” and “man-made” are, you guessed it, “gender-biased.” 


Its authors seem to think this flagrantly “sexist” language may be one reason why “women and other genders are not, for the most part, present in outer space.” What these “other genders” are is left unspecified. In any case, current outer space endeavors, we are told, should better incorporate “spirituality, astrology, and cosmology, the last of which views celestial bodies in space as animated beings and not mere objects.” 

Might it be that when all is said and done, we have an animated being ruling the country, a beacon of spirituality whose policy initiatives owe much to the “science” of astrology? Perhaps we should cut him some slack on the grounds of imaginative derring-do and boyish playfulness. Perhaps one might say that he moves between the poles of the absurd and the sinister. From the standpoint of cold logic, one might say that the damage he causes is incidental. After all, he never intended to represent the people but to put an ideological agenda into practice. Be that as it may, one thing is certain. 

That’s Trudeau for you.


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