Biden Crime Speech Runs Afoul of Reality

AP Photo/Alex Brandon

With all the credibility of Jessie Smollett claiming that he was almost lynched on a sub-zero night in Chicago by men claiming he was in “Maga Country,” President Joe Biden addressed the nation claiming San Francisco is a hotbed of Republican violence. His evidence was that a homeless, mentally ill illegal alien who’d been living in a parked school bus sporting gay pride and BLM insignias attacked a man with a hammer.


Speaking for the millions of Americans who have been confronted by mentally ill, threatening, crazy people in the big cities of Joe Biden’s America, hey Joe, this type of event isn’t a news flash to us. The fact that the victim this time was the husband of a prominent Democrat, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, is sad, but it just shows that all the wealth in the world won’t exempt you from the risk an army of insane, drug-addled vagrants represents. Moms and dads trying to put food on the table by earning a paycheck have been running this gauntlet for a long time to get to work in Democrat-controlled big cities across America.

And Union Station in Washington, D.C, where you chose to give your address, is just one of a thousand public places that have been turned into crime-ridden vagrant flop houses. If you dare visit the nation’s capital, walk the streets surrounding the Union Station and look at the tent cities and villages Democrat policies have created. This is all part of Joe Biden’s American Dream/Nightmare bequeathed to us by him and his team of Democrat big-city mayors and governors. Yes, continue your policy of focusing more on checking diversity boxes than supporting police and you will get more of the same.

Related: An Ex-Leftist Reacts to Biden’s Speech About ‘Democracy’


Be honest, Joe. If even the home of the speaker of the House, with all the security that entails from both local and Capitol Police, is not safe, think about the plight of regular Americans—you know, the ones you want to disarm. Would things have ended differently if Paul Pelosi had had a gun to protect himself? Just asking.

President Biden, the explosion of crime on your watch is a failure of your own making. Don’t blame this on Republicans. For the record, if about 22,000 people in four states had switched their votes, you wouldn’t be president. So, demonizing the 82 million who didn’t vote for you, and the millions more who now regret voting for you, will not solve the crime problem, nor will it unite the country except in one way. It will probably unite us in thinking you and your party are doing a lousy job on crime.



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