CDC Director Walensky: 'Racism Is a Serious Public Health Threat'

AP Photo/Susan Walsh, Pool

CDC stands for Centers for Disease Control. That’s supposed to be the job of that particular federal agency: controlling disease. But in 2021 America, doing the job that your agency was created to do isn’t enough. Now the CDC’s job is to take the money we’re forced to give them, by federal law, and use it to scold us for things we may or may not have done. Now their job is to call us all racists, because otherwise journalists and other Democratic Party activists will keep yelling at them.


The last time I paid any attention to CDC Director Rochelle Walensky, she was moaning about her “recurring feeling… of impending doom” about COVID-19. She used her public platform to spread fear, uncertainty, and doubt, and the libs all loved her for it. If you thought that was pathetic and insane, check out Walensky’s latest “Director’s Commentary” from the CDC website:

The COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in the death of over 500,000 Americans. Tens of millions have been infected. And across this country people are suffering. Importantly, these painful experiences and the impact of COVID-19 is felt, most severely, in communities of color—communities that have experienced disproportionate case counts and deaths, and where the social impact of the pandemic has been most extreme.

Yet, the disparities seen over the past year were not a result of COVID-19. Instead, the pandemic illuminated inequities that have existed for generations and revealed for all of America a known, but often unaddressed, epidemic impacting public health: racism.

What we know is this: racism is a serious public health threat that directly affects the well-being of millions of Americans.

Isn’t racism the real virus, when you don’t think about it?

Well, she might be onto something. Being falsely accused of racism does tend to raise my blood pressure.

If anything bad has happened to you because of COVID-19, the first thing you need to do is look in the mirror. Do you see a white face? Well then, stop complaining. You don’t matter. You didn’t actually think you were a human being, did you?


This is what they call “mission creep.” Racism is the perfect distraction for any government agency, or corporation, or other large group of people who have power and want to hold onto it. Unlike an actual disease, which is what the CDC is supposed to be fighting, the disease of “racism” can be whatever they want it to be. The symptoms are whatever they want them to be. And they don’t need to offer any proof that “racism” is the problem in any particular instance. In fact, asking for proof just shows that the skeptic is a racist!

Here’s how it works:

“COVID-19 is racist.”
“What? That’s insane. Why are my taxes paying you to spew this nonsense?”
“Oh, so you’re denying racism exists, racist?”

In real life, you can tell whether a disease has been cured by measuring the health of the patient. If he’s still sick, the cure isn’t working. If various measurable indicators of health improve, it’s working. The key word there is “measurable.” There are tangible results. But when you deny reality and blame everything on “racism,” you don’t need to worry about all those pesky facts and evidence. Emotions are the only thing that count. If you feel that something is racist, then it’s racist.

Once something has been declared racist, you can demand whatever you want in order to cure it. And then comes the best part: There’s no cure until you decide there is! Until then, everybody else has to meet your demands without question or criticism, or else they’re just proving you right.


Libs are absolutely obsessed with race. Look, here’s another example from just the other day:

Fonts are racist now. Fonts!

Accusing people of racism is a lucrative business, and a business needs to grow to survive. So get ready, because more and more things you’ve lived with your whole life are about to be declared “racist.” And if you have a problem with it, you’re a racist too. Ain’t the future grand?

But look on the bright side: If the director of the CDC can waste time on this crap, the pandemic really is over!


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