Fantasy Author Brandon Sanderson Sold Out His Religion To The LGBTQ Agenda

Niccolò Caranti, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Brandon Sanderson used to be a stalwart representative of the Mormon religion, especially when it came to the tenets of Christianity involving sin. For a long while, he told people that he refused to put LGBTQ characters in his books because of his religion, and that used to be enough for the woke mob. However, as publishing quickly blacklisted anyone who wasn’t a complete degenerate, Brandon Sanderson changed his tune with the Stormlight Archives, with the first book inserting an obvious forced homosexual moment that had little to add to the story. 


The vocal left used to call him a homophobe. If you saw his blog, he looked much like any average religious American. He once wrote, “No, I don’t believe that homosexuality can—in many cases, at least—be treated and ‘cured.’ I do believe, however, that impulses of attraction between people of the same gender are something that can and should be resisted, in the same way that my impulses of attraction toward women who are not my wife can and should be resisted. You probably believe differently. I’m okay with that. End note.”

This view is in line with how all sin works. We all are inherently fallen and have proclivities and urges toward wrongful behavior. As humans, we are a cut above animals in that we are made in the image of God and can think and resist temptation. It used to be enough to say that one believes differently than the woke, but as the years progressed, if you didn’t subscribe to their hyper-religious agenda of fetishism, you got canceled. As he became a fixture in publishing, Brandon Sanderson took the ticket rather than standing up for God’s laws.  

Later, Brandon Sanderson said on his blog, “I cannot be deaf to the pleas of gay couples who want important things, such as hospital visitation rights, shared insurance, and custody rights. At the same time, I accept and sustain the leaders of the LDS church. I believe that a prophet of God has said that widespread legislation to approve gay marriage will bring pain and suffering to all involved.”


This was how it was pitched at the time that it’s regrettable not to let people visit each other in the hospital. How could a society do that? Most hospitals never had a policy like this in the first place. It was a lie, much like every woke argument, designed to prey on reasonable people to push this agenda.

In the 2020s, it’s not about tolerance or hospital visits. It’s about forced acceptance and even participation in the agenda. As mentioned previously, Brandon Sanderson already gave in and inserted gay characters into his Stormlight Archive. His attitudes seem to have changed as he worked with Mary Robinette Kowal—a political activist masquerading as a sci-fi writer—for his Writing Excuses Podcast. Ever since her involvement and Brandon Sanderson’s push to superstardom, Brandon Sanderson has gone further to deny God’s will and push leftist political agendas to destroy Christianity in culture. 

Since Brandon Sanderson is an openly Mormon writer, his influence matters more than that of shrieking harpies like Mary Robinette Kowal because the public perceives him as reasonable and centrist. Unfortunately, the Devil seems to have corrupted his soul. In 2023, he updated his blog to address LGBTQ issues.


He posted, saying, “My current stance is one of unequivocable support for LGBTQ+ rights. I support gay marriage. I support trans rights, the rights of non-binary people, and I support the rights of trans people to affirm their own identity with love and support. I support anti-discrimination legislation, and have voted consistently along these lines for the last fifteen years. I am marking the posting of this FAQ item, at the encouragement of several of my LGBTQ+ fans, with a sizable donation to the Utah Pride Center and another to The OUT Foundation.”

What changed? Brandon Sanderson’s position of power in publishing. He’s clearly willing to say anything not to be canceled, including going against the Church for clout with these groomers. This happens fairly often when people take the ticket in the entertainment industry. It seems a requirement to sell your soul out to gain that kind of superstardom. 

He continued saying it will even influence his books like The Stormlight Archives, saying, “I put LGBTQ+ people into my books, and will continue to do so. Not because I want to fulfill a quota, but because I genuinely believe that it is right for the characters–and is a good and important thing for me to be doing.”


It’s tragic, as Brandon Sanderson was one of the few out there who used to stand for the entertainment industry not being so politically charged, but as the personal becomes political in every aspect of our world, Brandon Sanderson has gone the way of the woke. 


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