Girl, 7, 'Too Young' for First Amendment Rights, Punished for 'Racist' BLM Drawing

AP Photo/Lee Jin-man

The woke indoctrination of your kids will never stop. Homeschooling is a great option.

FACT-O-RAMA! Your kids don't go to public school; they attend "government" schools. 


A California judge decided that punishing a seven-year-old schoolgirl for being "racist" is A-OK.

What did the li'l bigot do? She drew a BLM picture including drawings of her diverse group of friends and added two "inclusionary" words, which this British news outlet found too vile to share on Twitter:

Those naughty words are "any life."

FACT-O-RAMA! If you wore a T-shirt 10 years ago that said "All Lives Matter," you would have been très woke. Today, those words make you a seething racist.

The young Falangist, whom the court referred to as B.B., drew the picture and gave it to a friend who is brown, after a lesson on Martin Luther King, Jr. The girl drew four faces in various shades, from beige to brown, depicting her diverse group of friends.

The friend brought the picture home, and her mom was "offended." She contacted the school and demanded action.

FACT-O-RAMA! The little girl who drew the picture is white. The friend she gave it to is not black.

Principal Jesus Becerra wasted no time in meting out punishment to the vile fascist. He informed the little girl that her drawing was inappropriate and racist.


The little girl was forced to publicly apologize to her friends and teachers on a playground. She was booted from recess for two weeks and was told she couldn't draw pictures for two weeks, which is why the girl's family is suing the Capistrano Unified School District.

PINKO-RAMA!  Pro-Antifa teacher Gabriel Gipes was given three years' salary to walk away after bragging about indoctrinating his students with far-left ideology.

The judge agreed that the artist's intentions were innocent, but woke is a joke and commies will gladly punish and humiliate anyone who doesn't fall in line, especially kids as they are easy to brainwash.

U.S. Central District Court Judge David Carter ruled the punishment was just and righteous because the pint-sized Mosleyite was "too young to have First Amendment rights." 

'I was immediately angry, I didn't know what had happened, I knew it was wrong fundamentally," B.B.'s mon, Chelsea Boyle, told Fox News. "My daughter's rights were taken away, and I just started reaching out to find out what compelled speech was. I didn't know what it was until I spoke to attorneys."

The case, now roughly three years old, will go to an Appeals Court. 

B.B.'s mom had no idea the punishment had taken place until another parent told her roughly a year after the woke nonsense took place.

"As a child with ADHD, art is Ms. Boyle's daughter's main emotional outlet," Boyle family lawyer Alexander Haberbush told the press after launching the lawsuit. "The school has deprived her of that, and for what? For having the audacity to draw kids of all races getting along with the words ‘black lives matter,’ ‘any life’ matters."


The two girls are still friends.

When woke parents, teachers, and judges join forces to gavage "woke" tommyrot into the minds of young kids, it's time to consider the options you have regarding your kids' education.

Now is a good time to remind you that Gov. Gavin Newsom (D-Calif.) just signed a law stating that schools need not contact parents if their child decides he wants to cut off his p*nis because he thinks he's a girl that day.

The filthy communists are clearly coming for our kids. FIGHT BACK.

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Related: 'Woke': A Threat to the Wise, a Virtue to the Weak

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