This Is Why Kamala Is Horrible

AP Photo/Evan Vucci

Like it or not, I believe Kamala will be the 47th president of the United States. No, I don't think the Mad Cackler can beat Trump, but I do believe President Shartshispants is going to resign before Inauguration Day, making Harris the 47th president and checking a ton of boxes for those who pray to the false god of DEI.


FACT-O-RAMA!  The Democrats would likely install Harris as #47 just to p**s off those of us with Trump 45-47 swag.

Needless to say, I'm odds and ends when it comes to attacking Kamala Harridan. I've got a junk drawer full of reasons she's a troglodyte.

Kamala has a garbage, commie-rific platform on which to run, so we can expect her to do what filthy Marxist candidates always do: go full opossum and play moderate.

That will be hard to do. The Biden-Harris team is responsible for the tidal wave of illegal immigrants in the country and the surge of brutal rapes and murders committed by animals who don't belong here.

Thanks to the Biden-Harris crusade, inflation is hurting people, crime is through the roof, and the woke virus has become exhausting and boring. 

I believe Kamala's entire campaign will be reduced to the sad, ragged battle cry of, "If you don't vote for me you're a bigot," and whereas words are weapons, sharper than knives, these tools of political warfare have lost their edge.

The woke, far-left "Gaystapo" who put the "men" in menstruate have become nothing more than mock-worthy Aunt Sallys to normal Americans who have grown weary of being called "transphobic" for not bending a knee to state-sanctioned trans insanity.

FACT-O-RAMA! Using a word so much that it loses its value is called "semantic satiation."


It will be difficult for Kamala to cover her cloven communist tracks, but that hasn't kept the Pravda press from gavaging lies to the nation on her behalf.

CBS is pretending Kamala never pimped a bail fund to keep violent BLM protestors and the sally lads of Antifa out of jail and back on the street, so they could continue assaulting more than 2,000 police officers in our nation's big blue toilet cities. But the internet is forever, and Elon Musk himself set the record straight:

The lies get even more slimy. Harris was all about defunding the police, but now the left is calling her the "top cop" in an effort to rewrite her history.

You've likely seen the media myrmidons also trying to pretend Harris was never the border czar, despite an F-250-sized load of evidence telling us otherwise.

I believe these media whoppers are backfiring spectacularly. Our "normie" apolitical friends are waking up to the increasingly obvious fabrications the mainstream media spews at We the People every night at dinner time. 


Once again, Elon for the win:

Karine Jean-Pierre assured us President Biden wasn't a stumbling, mumbling zombie, going so far as to blame those evil right-wingers for manufacturing "cheap fake" videos, but the Trump-Biden debate put that Blue Anon conspiracy theory to sleep once and for all and took Biden out of the 2024 race.

The jig is up, the news is out, and we see the Marxist media for what it is. Lefty news outlets are withering on the Maoist vine. Sic semper tyrannis.

So the good news is that the nation will see Kamala as the filthy, liarhead communist she is. 

I'm hoping Trump ignores Kamala's ignoble rise to power, which started after she became Willie Brown's roundheel. While we can easily argue that Kamala is the worst example for young girls, it can also be a landmine for Trump to step on.

FACT-O-RAMA! One study showed 90% of women have taken an interest in a man who was married. Attacking Kamala for being Brown's little bit of fluff could backfire and cost Trump some women's votes.


If he sticks to the issues — the border invasion, crime, and inflation — and overlooks Kamala's past, Trump can pummel Kamala into dust on Election Day.

Related: Kamala Harris Calls for ‘Courage to Object’ to Term ‘Radical Islamic Terrorism’

But here is the problem: Biden was sent to the Old Marxists' home because his poll numbers were too low for the left to believably cheat the cabbage-in-chief into a second term. If Kamala pulls out a win, she will summarily and obeisantly finish the job Biden started: fundamentally changing America, and by that I mean, sweep America even further into communism. That fatal kiss is all we need.

Good news for patriots, these HamaNazi riots will work for us. Chicago will likely explode when the DNC meets to officially hand the nod to Harris. So please understand when I cheer for the violent street pinkos as they throw fake blood on the windows of Chicago's kosher delis. Ooooh, scary tough guys gender-free yobbos. The Windy City may be in for a cruel summer.

Kamala might be a worse candidate than Vermin Supreme, but she is still dangerous.

Then again, so are you.

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EASTER EGGS-O-RAMA! I've snuck lyrics from five songs from the 1980s into this article. Did you find them? Post them in the comments is you did all and I'll post the answers soon.


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