Now Do You Believe Me That the Commies Are Coming?

AP Photo/Ng Han Guan

What has two thumbs, great hair, and has been sounding the klaxon about the commie invasion of the United States ever since he got to PJ Media three years ago? This guy!   


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How the Communist Cultural Revolution Destroyed Traditional Chinese Culture

Lefty News & Social Media: the One-Two Punch of Liberal American Ignorance

Tinfoil Hat Alert: The 'Elite' Want Us Red or Dead

This Is NOT the America Our Soldiers Fought and Died For

Are You a Commie or a Patriot? Take the Test Before the War Begins!

New York Has Fallen to the Communists

Antifa: 5 Things You Need to Know About the Commie Anarchists

Daily Dose of Downey: Communism Isn't Coming to America, It's Here

But wait, there's more!

Bad News for the Commies, Globalists, and Hate-Mongers: Supporting Trump is Now Cool

Never mind, you get the picture.

Republicans are cheering over the fact that the Democrats have assembled two seemingly unelectable, uber, mondo, Brobdingnagian maxi-Marxists for the upcoming presidential election ticket. But I say, don't pop the champers just yet.

Related: The Morning Briefing: Two Commies Walk Into a Presidential Ticket...


Kamala Harris was voted the most liberal senator back in 2019. Her VP running mate, Tim Walz. is to the left of Stalin's mustache. Who would vote for such a dystopian duo, right?

But I say, since when do communists care about election results?

There may be a very solid reason the party chose Kamala and Walz for this election. Because they're both dedicated, obeisant, and filthy piles of communist night soil, I might add. If you were, say, a globalist stain like Klaus Schwab, these two Punchinellos would be the perfect puppets to enslave the U.S.A.

FACT-O-RAMA! When even BLM throws shade at a black woman for dodging the democratic process, you know she might be a pinko.

Kamala Harris bombed the 2020 Democrat primary like a B-52. Before Biden bowed out of the 2024 election, Harris was polling lower than jungle rot

Why in the name of the sweet Baby Jesus would the Democratic National Committee (DNC) think the nation would elect such a Marxist damp squib, and why would she select the biggest Maoist in the nation as her running mate?  


I believe one of two things is happening:

  1. The left has its cheat on, and leftists know that Harris and Walz, two scorching bolshies, are not going to lose, by any means necessary.
  2. Biden was booted and the DNC couldn't toss a black, Indian female off the ticket without looking like bigoty bigots, so they pushed her into the on-deck circle. Walz was chosen because several others dipped out of the running to save their careers. Mark Kelly was possibly dumped because he owns a company that makes spy balloons for China. And Josh Shapiro? Well, frankly, the Democrats hate the Chosen Ones.

PINKO-RAMA! Tim Walz has been to China roughly 30 times. He went there on his honeymoon. He taught there for a year. More importantly, what did he learn there?

Michigan has been working overtime to hand Michigan to the Democrats. Wisconsin apparatchiks have recently ruled that absentee drop boxes will be used again in 2024, despite a lack of COVID scare porn. The DNC could run a Bozo/Hitler ticket and still take the White House.

The FBI is already warning/alerting us that there may be some Election Day hoodoo.

Cheating in 2024 isn't a "conspiracy theory."


Here is another scenario as to how the Democratic ticket came to be: no one in the Democratic Party beau monde wanted Harris. But Biden went scorched earth and pushed her into the spotlight as his final middle finger to the donkeys who relegated him to the political meat grinder and who could possibly send his family to prison.

SCAM-O-RAMA! Hunter Biden still has to be sentenced for buying a gun while puffing haversacks of Electric Kool-aid. Then there is his September tax fraud case. And let's not forget that the entire family may eventually face charges for taking bribes from China, Russia, Ukraine, and a bunch of countries that end in "-stan."

Harris is a dolt as well as a choleric communist, and Walz is a simpering, Marxist mollycoddle. How they got the green light isn't important. What matters is this: they are both foaming tovarishes and, in my book, a communist is just a Nazi with less fashion sense.

HAPPENSTANCE-O-RAMA! The "Union of Soviet Socialist Republics" (USSR) and "National Socialists" (Nazi party) have one word in common.

We need to understand that the Marxists are here, and they mean business. We would be idiots if we just chuckled and said, "NO ONE will vote for Kamala and Walz."

Yes, they are putrid, bonafide communists, but they are also an existential threat to We the People.


We need all hands on deck for this election. We can't just assume that we have a "system" to keep a tyrant out of the White House. That "system," the election process, has been hacked.

You can do more than vote this time. You can help keep real news flowing.

Big Brother is targeting PJ Media. They want to pick off conservative news sites, and PJ Media is in the crosshairs. Why? Because they fear us.

Click HERE bop the commies in the chops and keep accurate information flowing in your direction.

I am willing to bet my editor will throw you a discount. Let me check:

"Dear editor, do you have a deal for patriotic Americans who want to get into the fight against tyranny today?"

As a matter of fact, we do, KDJ! [said in my best announcer voice] Use the best code ever — COMMIEWALZ — for 50% off!

See! I told ya. Thank you, editor!


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