It's Tyranny O'Clock. Do You Know Where Your Liberties Are?

AP Photo/Ryan Kang

Is it just me or is there a Nazi-commie hybrid movement taking over the planet?

FACT-O-RAMA! When I see tyranny taking place across the globe, I know the globalists are likely behind it.


Yes, it's happening, but so few Americans seem to realize that the global onslaught has begun, which I find odd because all the ingredients needed for the pinko pie are on the table for everyone to see:


Have I missed something? Please leave it in the "comments" if I did. More importantly, how are our "normie" friends missing out on what is happening? How do they not see that the globalists — China and Islam, as well as tyrants in every country on the planet — are making a real push to enslave the world?


Gee, I wish someone had told us the New World Order was creeping across the planet.

If only the real despots at the World Economic Forum (WEF) had given us a clue as to what they had in store for us.

The globalists are clever. They distracted We the People by getting us to fight over where a mentally ill man in a dress should be allowed to relieve himself. They gave us the 'ole "bread and circuses" routine, a maneuver so old that it goes back to ancient Rome, while they hijacked every institution in the world, especially the justice systems of Western nations.

Here is the real sickness: The globalists convinced Westerners that we are "racist" if we notice that our third-world replacements are committing sexual atrocities against women in mind-numbingly, out-of-proportion numbers.

Related: SHOCKING: How Many European Women Will Be Raped Before Their Leaders Do Something About Those 'Refugees?'

It all appears to be sci-fi nonsense from a creepy, dystopian pulp-fiction book, but everything you've read and seen is already happening.

Can we defeat the Nazi-commie hybrid animals that have extended their tentacles across the globe? Yes, I believe we can. But don't wait for Election Day.


Everyone needs to see what you've just seen. There can be no "sitting this one out."

The threat is real. This is not a drill.

We have been warned:

The first thing you can do — which is also the easiest — is send this article to everyone you know. People need to understand what we are up against.

TRANSPARENCY-O-RAMA! The more you read, the more bourbon I can buy!

More important than my liver abuse, you should become a VIP Member NOW. Our Freedom of Speech is under attack, and I assure you that this is just the beginning.

Click HERE to join the fight. You won't regret it. And I am willing to bet that my editor will throw you a sweeeeet deal to get you into the battle.

Editor's note: As a matter of fact, we've got an amazing deal! Use the hilariously appropriate code COMMIEWALZ for 50% off!

See, I KNEW it!

Thank you for your patriotism. Let's FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT! We got this!


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