
Global Islamic Communism — It's What's for Dinner

AP Photo/Markus Schreiber

How can you tell when the globalist lizard people are on the march? When bad things are happening globally.

Brits are rioting over the tsunami of rapes and murders that the "asylum seekers," who were purposely gavaged into Western Europe, commit. Many heinous crimes go unpunished, yet those who verbally attack the animals are "brought to justice."

FACT-O-RAMA! A German politician was fined after she noticed and mentioned that "asylum seekers" commit a majority of gang rapes. Another woman was sentenced to a weekend in jail for calling a gang rapist a "pig." Unimaginably, the rapist served no time in prison for being one of 11 men who gang-raped a 15-year-old German girl. What's the message? Muslim "diversity embellishments" can rape with impunity, but discussing their atrocites or verbally offending a rapist is verboten.

It is no accident that most of the 1,000-plus protesters UK police arrested are natural-born Britons, including a 13-year-old girl, and not Muslim aggressors. This is not surprising considering that the same UK police force refused to arrest Pakistani rape gangs for fear of being called "racist."

It is no accident that Venezuela emptied its prisons and sent these desperadoes over our purposely open southern border, and it is no accident that many of them are committing crimes, including raping American women and girls, all intended to destabilize our nation. 

It is all part of the plan to install the New World Order, as the World Economic Forum (WEF) "predicted" back in 2018.

Check out this terrifying video. This is the globalist pinko playbook. Pay attention to "predictions" #2 and #5. The pinkos have long planned to flood Western nations (#5) with "newcomers" before establishing the New World Order (#2). And if you don't want to eat "Grasshopper Helper," check out "prediction" #4.

Related: How Did We Miss This Video? The WEF Told Us in 2018 That They Are Bolshies and They Are Coming for the United States of America

STORMY PETREL-O-RAMA!  If you want to know what the United States will look like in three-five years, pay attention to what is happening in Western Europe now. 

How did we get here?

Easy. The globalists played on Western virtues. They told us that diversity is good and that complaining about it makes you a "racist." Liberals ate up this suicidal codswallop as the globalists sent in wave after wave of people who abhor our culture, values, and We the People. And they are succeeding.

Rapists are skating out of European courtrooms and dodging prison while commie judges punish those who dare take notice of the carnage.

APPALLING FACT-O-RAMA! An English judge let a Muslim rapist walk because the poor lamb claimed he didn't know rape was bad.

Related: SHOCKING: How Many European Women Will Be Raped Before Their Leaders Do Something About Those 'Refugees?'

Also Related: Ignore the Shocking Number of Rapes Committed by 'Newcomers' or You'll Be Punished, You Bigot

It's no surprise that we read about illegal immigrants raping and/or murdering American women every other week. Destabilizing our nation with crime was always part of the plan.

So what's next? 

Pay attention to what the globocrat night soils are doing in Europe and expect the same here.

As England burns, one of their nad-less cops threatened to extradite Americans for what he calls "hate speech."

Sure, I tweeted a naughty response to the gutless lime sucker, but guess what? If the WEF's "prediction" #2 comes true, I will be shackled and sent to the UK to face a bollocks-dodging wanker like this guy below. Savor his smarmy communist arrogance as he sentences a man to prison for a Facebook post:

And for you ladies, take a look at Iranian women before and after the Islamic Revolution.

If you want to see what your granddaughter can look forward to, check out this tweet:

What have we learned?

If Europe is any indication of what will happen here in the land of Old Glory, we can expect our newcomers replacements to rachet up their crime spree, especially sexual assaults, as our elected "leaders" pay them to come to the U.S. with our tax dollars. We can foresee Americans going to jail for so-called "hate speech" when we dare notice who is causing the calamity. 

"But KDJ, we have guns. We can fight back."

Not for long. The bolshies plan to snatch your gats. They chip away at the 2nd Amendment every day. Venezuela's dictator, Nicolas Maduro, issued an executive order banning guns back in 2012; then he began to slaughter people who dared to stand up for the rights they somehow no longer enjoyed.

We can expect another "pandemic" to lock us down. Food will no longer appear in the grocery stores. The New World Order will decide who eats and what they eat (SPOILER ALERT: bugs). The World Health Organization (WHO) will decide who will receive medical care and who will die (SPOILER ALERT: it's YOU).

The tyrannical leaders of China and Iran with the help of the feculence found in the WEF, WHO, and various leaders across the world will dominate the planet. They are the New World Order.

Remember, when you see something bad happening globally, the globalist cow plops are likely behind it.


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