
Hype, Hype, Hooray! DNC Conventioneers Cheer As Their Party Self Destructs

AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite

I'm not sure what was more entertaining, watching the Democratic Party Illuminati allofeed talking points and long-debunked lies to its hoi polloi or the way those brainless gobdaws cheered and begged for more.

For your typical Democrat cult member devotee, the first day of the convention was gangbusters. For the rest of us, it was like watching has-been 1980s metal hair bands taking turns performing at the Kentucky State Fair.

FACT-O-RAMA! It's no mistake that the program restricted Kamala Harris to a brief rah-rah. The Democrats know Kamala is kryptonite is when she opens her mouth.

The whole debacle reminded me of the day my family had to hold an intervention to take away Grandpa's car keys.

My favorite part of this tragic hootenanny was watching the same palholes who stabbed Biden in the back do an about-face and revere him as a high muckamuck, somehow forgetting he was dethroned because politically speaking, he was bombing like a B-52.

Did anyone else notice the electrolyte-starved, dipsomaniacal Nancy Pelosi licking her chops?

No Democrat knees-up is complete without self-applauding, microphone-hoarding dinosaur Hillary Clinton stretching her time on stage and even oddly hinting at her 0-and-2 presidential career. Nothing calls for victory more than breaking out the Party's most notorious loser.

The most cringeworthy point of the night was watching Joe's daughter Ashley say, "I have this memory. It's on the eve of my eighth birthday..." I clutched my bourbon tightly and wondered if she worded that speech purposely to remind the world that she wrote in her diary that she and her daddy took "probably not appropriate showers" together when she was a kid.

The final (maybe... hopefully...) humiliation for Joe Biden, to keep the angry geezer from settling someone's hash at his swansong, was holding the president's speech until roughly 11:30 p.m. EST, well after many viewers went to bed.  

FACT-O-RAMA! Joe Biden speaking at what should have been his coronation was akin to a dude giving the "best man" speech at the wedding for the guy who stole his fiancée.

Despite the suckholing from the crowd, I see the Democratic Party going to rack and ruin.

The mood inside the convention center was carnivalesque, but outside, danger lurks. The "walls don't work" crowd erected a barrier to keep their far-left, Jew-hating animals at bay.

Democrats were warned to check into hotels using aliases to avoid detection, lest violent, green-haired, dime museums maraud them.

Things are getting volatile in Washington, D.C., too.

Sen. Bob Menendez (D-N.J.) was recently convicted of taking bribes. He is expected to resign on Wednesday and, word on the street is he will hit up Biden for a pardon.

On Monday, three House committees released a Fat Man on Joe Biden, his little boy Hunter, and brother Jim Biden, stating they had proof that the Biden crime family has hoovered $27 million worth of bribe cheddar from nations across the globe, including China, Russia, and Ukraine.  

The Democratic Party is also festering with communism, skullduggery, antisemitism, and violence.

Everyone paying attention knows the Democrats have pumped our illegal immigrant replacements over our borders to throw the November election in their favor. Every week brings another horrific story of the rape and murder the invaders commit, which the mainstream media mudpuppies prefer to ignore.

We the People feel the intentional inflation caused by the Democrats' policies. 

Why would the Democrats purposely tank the inflation, fill the nation with invaders, and allow violent thugs to wreak havoc?

Soviet defector Yuri Bezmenov warned that the communists have a four-part plan to take over the U.S. without firing a shot.

Demoralization: Gavage people with fake news so they cannot tell what is real and what is fake.

Destabilization: A two-to-five-year process where the pinkos attack our economy (inflation), foreign relations (WWIII is brewing), and national defenses.

FACT-O-RAMA! Our military bases here in the U.S. are attacked or breached roughly twice a week.

Crises: A six-week process of "violent change of power, structure, and economy." Wait until you see what happens when Trump goes to prison or when the Democrats refuse to concede defeat if Trump wins.

Normalization: What Bezemenov refers to as "when your country is basically taken over, living under a new ideology and reality." In other words, tyranny.

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Now is a good time to stock up on food, water, and ammo. Your neighbors are friendly now, but wait until their kids are starving. 

Hopefully, we won't need it, and you can all laugh at me on Inauguration Day when Trump returns to the White House.


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