This Is What Will Happen If Kamala Harris Wins, Part 2: Don't Offend Your Replacements

AP Photo/Peter Dejong,file

Most Americans aren't aware that Western Europe has been in the midst of a rape crisis for the better part of two decades. I guess the Operation Mockingbird mainstream media mudpuppies didn't think it was worth reporting, or maybe they didn't want to offend the rapists, a majority of whom are Muslim. Most likely, they didn't want Americans to know what our future looks like.


I'm not kidding.

A German woman went to jail for "hateful remarks" she made to a rapist who, along with most of his gang-raping pals, saw no jail time after sexually assaulting a 14-year-old German girl for hours.

The first mob of four animals who raped the girl in a park at night took her phone, leaving her unable to call for help. Worse, the animals contacted friends and told them where in the woods the drunk and vulnerable teen was located. Two more groups arrived to rape her.

FACT-O-RAMA! "Woke" is nothing more than a means of control. Westerners have been brainwashed into believing that criticizing people of another race or culture, even rapists, is somehow a sign of "bigotry" and that not doing so is virtuous. It is a way to silence Westerners into their own extinction. 

Eleven men stains of humanity were eventually arrested for rape. Two were acquitted due to a lack of DNA. 

The videos the rapists took of the assault were deleted, but witnesses testified to seeing them. Doctors recovered semen from nine attackers, all but one of whom would be sentenced to probation.

Someone "doxxed" and circulated the phone number of one of the rapists. A 20-year-old woman texted him, calling him a "dishonorable rapist pig" as well as a "disgusting miscarriage.” 


“Aren’t you ashamed when you look in the mirror?” she added.

The rapist called the cops, who promptly arrested the woman. She was sentenced to a weekend in jail, longer than eight of the nine miscreants convicted of raping the 14-year-old girl.

A German politician for the Alternative for Deutschland Party (AfD), Marie-Thérèse Kaiser, had to pay a fine for daring to speak out about the reality of who is committing a majority of the gang rapes in Germany. Psst, it's the Muslims.

DIVERSITY-O-RAMA! Roughly 1,200 German women were sexually assaulted in Germany on New Year's Eve 2015 alone. Most of the attackers were "asylum seekers."

A court fined Kaiser for "incitement to hatred" for posting crime statistics that the globalists didn't want the world to read. The Pravda press deemed the AfD Party "far-right" for opposing open borders and the criminals who cross them.

WARNING: This video details facts about large-scale sexual assaults in Germany.

You can read about the mainstream media's laughable "fact-check" on Kaiser's punishment for posting reality on social media.

FACT CHECK-O-RAMA! Lefty "fact-checks" are largely garbage intended to trick people into believing communist codswallop. 

Rioting broke out across the UK after a young man of Rwandan descent murdered three British girls. More than 1,000 people were arrested, some for violence but many for saying things Americans recognize as free speech.


Listen to this arrogant, lime-sucking wanker sentence someone to 20 months in jail for a social media post, and you will understand why the Founding Fathers picked up muskets.

Watch British police "challenge" a woman for her description of a "filthy migrant" who spat on her.

REMINDER-O-RAMA! "Woke" police all over the UK refused to arrest Pakistani Muslim gang rapists for roughly 18 years because they were afraid someone would call them "racists."

If you want a hint of what the U.S. will look like in five years, read this article below and see how "woke" is fundamentally changing England into a Muslim nation and Brits are punished if they speak out.

Related: A World-Historical Transformation Is Taking Place in Britain, Yet Few Have Noticed

What have we learned?

We've learned that parts of Europe have become a dystopian globalist dream. Rapists attack women with near impunity, and concerned citizens are punished if they say anything that the globalists decide is offensive.

Kamala Harris is no stranger to "woke" and openly embraces DEI Marxist flapdoodle. She has called for Trump to lose his X account.

In a shocking display of hubris and hypocrisy, the Biden-Harris administration, which claimed that 51 intel specialists agreed that Hunter's laptop was Russian disinformation, infamously tried to install a Stalin-like "Ministry of Truth" which would decide what is and isn't real news. 


It also pressured social media sites to censor people who dared question the COVID clot shot, the origins of the Bat-stew flu, and that naughty laptop full of evidence proving that the Biden family took $27 million worth of bribes. The Biden-Harris politburo even targeted jokes.

FACT-O-RAMA! Globalists billionaire human-lizard hybrid Bill Gates believes that the First Amendment is a "notion."

As every successful tyrant, including the Biden-Harris administration, has learned, the key to enslaving We the People begins by indoctrinating children and punishing them when they think for themselves.

A Marxist judge in Califonia decided that a seven-year-old girl was "too young" for free speech liberties and backed her punishment for a kind-hearted drawing that read "Any lives matter."

Related: Girl, 7, 'Too Young' for First Amendment Rights, Punished for 'Racist' BLM Drawing

This young patriot was booted from school for a t-shirt that did not deny science.

Millions of replacements are currently flooding our borders. We need only look at Europe to see what we can expect: more invaders, more rape, and Big Brother's boot on our throats if we dare complain.

The woke virus was intended to silence Westerners into accepting their own extinction. It's working in Europe, and it's already begun here in the U.S.A.


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BAM! told ya so!

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