Bowman's Office Plays the Nazi Card Before Walking It Back

(AP Photo/Nick Ut)

Asinine, juvenile, childish. See also: moronic. All apt words for describing New York Democrat Jamaal Bowman’s move on Saturday during the House votes. Of course, in the heat of the moment, Bowman may have seen himself as a freedom fighter who was thinking out of the box in order to save the government from shutting down. He may have had visions of his exploits being recorded in future textbooks or perhaps even a Jamaal Bowman public library. Of course, as I wrote this, I was waiting for the vote on Speaker McCarthy and listening to Matt Gaetz’s earlier comments. He said, “We need a f*****g budget.” Between those things and Lauren Boebert’s Denver date night, the House is looking more and more like a collection of outtakes from “Animal House.”


Back to Bowman’s frat-house stunt. The smart money is on the Democrats running cover for him until the issue rotates out of the news cycle for another story about Taylor Swift-football-something-something. And all of our brains will die a little more. But in the inevitable hangover that follows random acts of stupidity, Bowman’s office must have realized that he looked more like an eighth grader trying to get out of a spelling quiz or dodge detention than a statesman trying to save “muh democracy.”

So what did they do? They contemplated playing the Republicans = Nazi card. National Review notes that Bowman’s staffers drew up a set of talking points to send to fellow Democrats in an attempt to absolve him of his stupidity. The memo read in part, “I believe Congressman Bowman when he says this was an accident. Republicans need to instead focus their energy on the Nazi members of their party before anything else.” As usual, MAGA Republicans were also blamed because reasons.

Once that memo circulated, Texas Republican Troy Nehls posted this:


Once Bowman or his office realized that the kick had missed the uprights, the congressman issued a retraction, of sorts:

So it was all some intern’s fault. There you go, blame an intern or some unnamed staffer. But as you can see, Bowman has had no problems with throwing “Nazi” around when it suits his grandstanding needs. In fact, he’s pretty darn upfront about it:

To be fair, “Nazis like Knowles” is a nice bit of alliteration. So there’s that.


Related: Steve Schmidt Finds a New ‘Nazi Dog Whistle’ for Trump

Unfortunately, Bowman’s behavior, and his team’s sad attempt to justify it, speak volumes about the people who have been elected to serve the nation, and it says even more about the maturity of those who elected him.


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