The People Have Spoken: We Are a Banana Republic

AP Photo/Charlie Riedel, File

If, in the last three-plus years, it has occurred to you that the United States is on the verge of becoming a banana republic (and likely has been one for some time) you are by no means in the minority. There is no need to deny your lying eyes. Plenty of folx besides yourself have reached the conclusion that we, the people, are no longer in any control of our country, on any level that matters. Or, possibly on any level. 


So, no. It's not just you.

Citing a poll from Rasmussen Reports, The National Pulse notes that many Americans contend that our leaders are, in fact, governing without the consent of the governed. But you didn't need Rasmussen to tell you that. The poll surveyed 1,087 likely U.S. voters between May 7-9. The results were uncomfortable to read, but predictable. 

Sixty percent of men and 53% of women surveyed agreed with the sentiment that the government rules without the people's consent. Sixty-three percent of Hispanics agreed, as opposed to 58% of white respondents. When asked if they agreed with the statement “The republic the Founders created has already fallen,” 47% of respondents concurred. Of that number, 53% of those who agreed were women while only 43% were men. 

Here's where things get interesting. The National Pulse reported:

Even more surprising is that only 46 percent of White voters said the republic has already fallen, whereas 48 percent of Black voters said the same. Again, Hispanics expressed the most skepticism towards the state of the Biden government, with 50 percent saying they believe the republic has fallen.

Can anyone blame or even refute them? Parents must constantly fight to keep their children safe from DEI and sexualized school curricula. Russia and China have been cozying up to one another with the intent of displacing the United States as a power on the world stage. Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping met Thursday in Beijing to further solidify their "no-limits" partnership. Heritage Foundation senior fellow Michael Pillsbury, commenting on Biden's attempts to handle China, told "Fox and Friends":


Basically… we're seeing what [former President] Trump was trying to do with China when he called himself ‘Tariff Man’ to get leverage over China to help us in various ways. That's simply not happening with Biden and to draw, to push together two nuclear powers, Russia and China, it's really a blunder of the highest order. … The Russians had a million army troops built up on the Chinese border for a while, so to see them come together like this to me, is just shocking. It's one of the biggest blunders we'll see in my lifetime.

Meanwhile, we continue to send dump trucks full of cash to Ukraine. And it isn't just abroad. Our campuses have become insane asylums, inflation is astronomical, crime is rampant, and the administration continues to perform kabuki theater over the border while doing everything but flying illegal immigrants into the country first class. I am certain our readers could fill several comment sections with examples of how their lives have been impacted by the Biden administration. Highlighting the results of a survey by the Red Balloon job site and the Public Square shopping site, Just the News reports that “22.4% of businesses said they definitely wouldn't survive another Biden term while 26.2% said they probably would not survive.”


Do you want more examples? Consider what happened to Mark Houck or the Blaze's Steve Baker. 

Only the most charitable, deluded, or agendized observers could conclude that everything is fine, or that the United States has just had a run of incredibly bad luck over the last four years.


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