Dems Dismiss Possible RFK Jr. Announcement, Call to 'Re-Educate' Voters

AP Photo/Meg Kinnard

RFK Jr. is slated to make a significant announcement today regarding his campaign, which has slipped in polling numbers from double to single digits. The Trump campaign has also said that there will be an event today featuring a "special guest." This has fueled speculation that Kennedy is set to step down as a candidate and endorse Trump, possibly in exchange for a position in a future Trump administration. Both camps have continued to say that nothing is final. Trump has said he would be honored to have an endorsement from Kennedy.


The Hill reports that fresh from its national convention, the Democratic National Committee released a memo this morning, downplaying the effect that a Kennedy endorsement of Trump would have on the race or the Harris-Walz chances for success, calling Kennedy supporters "low propensity voters." The memo read in part:

Like RFK Jr., Donald Trump is at a low point and acting out of desperation. Embracing RFK Jr. now – when he has nothing to offer but months of disqualifying revelations – is not a decision a campaign makes when they’re acting from a position of strength.

As voters have learned about RFK Jr.’s unsavory and reckless past, ties to MAGA donors, and MAGA-lite positions on abortion bans and January 6th pardons, his support has dwindled to make him a near-negligible factor.

The little support that remains is soft, split across ideologies, and disproportionately among lower propensity voters. With no meaningful base of support and sky-high negatives among Democrats, RFK Jr.’s threat to VP Harris was neutralized. 

The DNC also argued that Kennedy's sole purpose for running was to act as a spoiler and increase the chance of a Trump win in November. 


The Democrats may hold Kennedy supporters in low regard, but that does not mean they think they are unsalvagable. The memo also adds, “With RFK Jr.’s departure, we will continue to hold other third-party candidates accountable and educate voters about the clear choice between VP Harris and Donald Trump.” The DNC expects Kennedy to continue his aggressive criticism of the party but is also betting on him to be a liability to the Trump campaign, noting his comments about the vaccine and the January 6 incident.

Kennedy has made news for reaching out to the Trump campaign and, most recently, to Harris. News reports said that Kennedy was angling for a cabinet post or another slot in the Harris administration, but his overtures were rebuffed. Kennedy subsequently denied the allegation, stating on X:

My father and uncle prided themselves on their skills at debate and their ability to articulate a coherent vision for our country. VP Harris is scared to debate and can’t survive an unscripted interview. Instead of outlining a vision, she relies on middle school tactics – memes, forged headlines, infantile slogans (Joy!), and name-calling (“Republicans are weird.“)

I’ve spent years battling government corruption and lies. VP Harris spent years gaslighting Americans about the health of our Commander in Chief.

 I have no plans to endorse Kamala Harris for President. I do have a plan to defeat her.


Kennedys' announcement is set for 2 p.m. Eastern.


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