Episode 10: Political Idolatry, Pastor Urges Men to Arm Up, and the Questions About Church Discipline

Townhall Media

Can you believe it? We are already up to podcast #10! In my opinion, a milestone like this deserves a bottle of top-shelf from corporate or at least a bag of Reese's Pieces. But since I'm probably going to get neither, I'll just have to settle for this quick recap:


Around 300 evangelical Christians in the public eye, along with pastors, faith leaders, and others, are signing the "Confession of Evangelical Conviction." On the surface, it seems like a relatively benign document, asking people to keep politics out of faith and consider the character of a political candidate. However, most of the support for this document comes from people who have traditionally been critical of Trump and conservatives. Can we expect these people to be equally critical of Harris and other politicians on the Left, or at least give these candidates the same level of scrutiny reserved for those on the right?

A pastor in Tennessee is telling men in his congregation to arm and train the members of their families to defend themselves from the threats created by illegal immigration. He even quipped that he would station a man with a rifle on the roof of the church if he didn't think it would freak out the neighbors. He was quoted as saying, “When they start coming in here, they’re going to pay for it with their lives... I sure hope they’re prepared for eternity.” 

Finally, proving that it is possible to disagree without being disagreeable, we discuss an incident that recently arose at John MacArthur's Grace Community Church in California. A woman who used to attend the church says she was publicly shamed and disfellowshipped because she left what she claims was an abusive relationship. How important is church discipline, and are there times that it is unevenly or incorrectly applied? When does church discipline cross the line and become destructive? Paula and I did not find common ground on this issue, but we are still friends, and as far as I know, I still have a job. 


You can hear the entire podcast here or check out the show on Apple and Spotify. If you follow us and leave a good review, I might even share some of my Reese's Pieces with you. Maybe. That's up to the Townhall Mothership and out of my hands. I'm definitely not sending anyone booze, so let's take that off the table right now. 

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