This Week's Top Parenting Links

Winter finally arrived in our neck of the woods.  My thinking on winter is, if it’s going to be cold we should at least have snow!  And we finally got it!  However, I am really looking forward to sunshine and warmer weather and the promise of an early Spring. My kiddos are going stir crazy being stuck inside for so long. It’s the curse of moms everywhere—cold weather and sickness make everyone extroverts by the end of the winter season. This is the first year I have looked ahead far enough to be intentional about Easter, and I am looking forward applying some of the ideas below with our little family!



I’m not a Pintrest mom.  I rarely have a craft come out just like the picture. But, these simple Lent centerpieces serve as a visual reminder to my family of what the season is really about. Kay Clark, over at Together for Good, speaks to the heart of mothers as she gives advice to help your family celebrate Lent and prepare for Easter.

So this year, Lent looks a little different. In most Protestant churches it is rarely brought up (mostly due to the fact that people think Lent is basically a Catholic tradition) but we recently had the experience of leading a workshop on Lent at our church. We researched the early church history, the Biblical basis for practicing self-examination, penitence and self-denial especially during Lent, and ways to make this time preparing our hearts for Easter more meaningful.”


Find more encouragement at Together for Good


I recently discovered the blog, Mother of Knights, and I quickly realized I was nodding my head in agreement with the posts.  Amber talks about the struggle a lot of moms have (me included!), with anger triggers.  It really resonated with my heart, and struck an uncomfortable chord. I am looking forward to reading her book and assessing just why I am annoyed and frustrated sometimes.

Dream big. Let yourself imagine a home where your words set a tone of loving-kindness. A home where your first reaction is compassion instead of annoyance. Where you replace the fiery cycle of anger and guilt with conviction and spiritual growth. A place where you draw the hearts of your children towards grace and where every one of you thrives.”




Have you ever just needed someone to give you a high-five, or some kind of encouragement that you are headed on the right path? That’s how I feel about Kristin Welch’s writing over at We are that Family.

Raising grateful kids means parents have to grow up, too. We can’t let our kids control and contrive their way through life.  Motherhood has taught me I can’t give in just to keep peace. I can’t heal heartache or prevent heartbreak. I can’t eliminate or alleviate bad days. I can’t protect my children from every day life…If we want to raise kids who persevere and refuse to give up when the going gets tough, kids who persevere, we’ve got to parent with resolve.



There’s a lot of chatter going around the web talking about one word that you are embracing for 2016.  You may have seen some people stating their word, and reasons behind it. I thought it was silly at first, but I have realized it’s kind of empowering to have one thing to focus on everyday—my word is intentional. While Emily Freeman at doesn’t address just one word for 2016 in her post, she does talk about what our fears are, and what is holding us captive:

The habit we practice without realizing it is one of denying our own personhood.  And because of that bad habit, we carry an irrational sense of shame around with us, one that hovers like a fog. We can see it but can’t touch it; we experience it but can’t explain it.  We don’t even think to question it because it’s just the way things are. It serves as a filter for so many decisions.


And it’s keeping us from becoming most fully ourselves.”



Here are some practical ways to explain Easter and Lent to your kids in a very simple way.  I’m looking forward to using some of  these suggestions from this weekend!



Enjoy your weekend!

Don’t forget to let us know how you recharge on your weekend



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