N.Y. Gov. Kathy Hochul Issues More Useless Gun Control Executive Orders

AP Photo/Seth Wenig

On Wednesday, New York governor Kathy Hochul signed executive orders implementing even more gun control in New York state. The executive orders were a direct response to the Buffalo mass shooting.


“The horrific and despicable act of terror committed by a white supremacist this past weekend in Buffalo showed that we as a country are facing an intersection of two crises: the mainstreaming of hate speech—including white nationalism, racism, and white supremacy—and the easy access to military-style weapons and magazines,” Hochul said in a press release announcing the executive orders.

The executive orders come just over a month after the Brooklyn subway shooting, which left ten people wounded at the hands of a racist black supremacist—which apparently wasn’t hateful enough for Hochul (or any other Democrat) to care enough about because it didn’t fit the white nationalist/white supremacy narrative.

“This is a wake-up call and here in New York we are taking strong steps to directly address this deadly threat,” Hochul continued. “Today, I issued Executive Orders to devote substantial resources and focus toward combating the troubling surge in domestic terrorism by identifying radicalized individuals and tracking their threats amplified on social media, and further empower State Police to keep guns away from dangerous people. I am also issuing a referral letter to the Attorney General to investigate social media’s role in the Buffalo shooting, and am calling for the passage of several pieces of legislation that will help law enforcement get more guns off the street.”


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New York already has what then-Gov. Andrew Cuomo as “the toughest gun laws in the nation.” The controversial New York Secure Ammunition and Firearms Enforcement (SAFE) Act was passed in 2013 in the aftermath of the Sandy Hook massacre, and was supposed to make New York “safer.”

The SAFE Act is clearly a dismal failure, and it was even before Saturday’s mass shooting. Gun violence in the state, particularly in New York City, has continued unabated and even surged in recent years. Hochul and other Democrats seem to believe that more laws and regulations will deter criminals.


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