Good News for Bolduc in New Hampshire

AP Photo/Steve Peoples

The U.S. Senate race in New Hampshire has long been considered safe for incumbent Democrat Sen. Maggie Hassan. In mid-September, she had a RealClear Politics average lead of 9.5 points. But polls have tightened considerably, moving the race into toss-up territory. It’s anyone’s guess whether Republican Gen. Don Bolduc will oust her, but there is some really good news for him the day before Election Day.


First, the final midterm election poll from Wick Insights shows Bolduc with a small lead. Voters were asked, “If the November 2022 election for US Senate were held today, for whom would you most likely cast your vote — Republican Don Bolduc or Democrat Maggie Hassan?” 48.4% of voters chose Bolduc, and 48.3% chose Hassan; 1% were undecided. A statistical tie. While this means is the election is still anyone’s to win, Bolduc has the edge with undecided voters, who break 95% to 5% in his favor. Without undecided voters, Bolduc leads 49% to 48%, with 2.3% choosing someone else.

In a close race, having the edge among undecided voters might just give Bolduc the edge he needs to pull out a victory.


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