
When Two Dudes Claim to Be Experts on 'Girlhood'

What’s the best way to understand the female experience? According to the gatekeepers of popular culture, it’s hearing about it from two dudes!

Remember the good old days when the radical left said men couldn’t talk about abortion because they didn’t have a uterus? Dang, those were the days. Sadly, we’re way past the simpler times when girls were girls and men were men; now, we have men partnering with Tampax and other women’s products, and there is even a pregnant man emoji:đź«„

We’re living in a world where dudes can waltz into girls’ sports and dominate like it’s no big deal because they “identify” as a woman. And don’t even get me started on that Los Angeles spa that let a convicted sex offender expose himself to women and young girls, just ’cause he said he felt like a lady that day. And now, it’s not just sports, it’s beauty pageants, too! Apparently, a five-o-clock shadow and a prominent Adam’s apple are the new standards for feminine beauty. Who knew?

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And the insults to women just keep coming. Dylan Mulvaney and his new buddy Jeffrey Marsh recently took to TikTok to delve into the intricacies of womanhood. Because they should know, right? They’re experts! Now, Jeffrey Marsh is a notorious child groomer who identifies as “non-binary.” I couldn’t care less what his preferred pronouns are, but he wears dresses and lipstick, and I guess in his mind, that makes him an “expert” on being a woman.

Just to clarify, in their TikTok video, Mulvaney and Marsh avoided using the term “womanhood” and went with “girlhood” instead. And honestly, it’s fitting, because they don’t even attempt to act like grown women; they act like men with a fetish about being little girls — because that’s exactly what they are.

So, what do these so-called experts have to say about “girlhood?”

Mulvaney began, “Girlhood grows stronger when there’s more of us behind it.”

“Only certain people are allowed in, but who’s allowing?” Marsh asked. “That’s the real question. Do you know?”

“I don’t,” Mulvaney replied. “Maybe there isn’t one.”

Mulvaney then asked Marsh if he feels a connection to “girlhood.” And why wouldn’t he, being a man, after all?

“I find girlhood to be inspiring,” he said. “There are a lot of human beings who are girls, who transcend what their gender is supposed to be. And that, to me, is something I draw strength from and inspiration from.”

Real girls, women, and heck, real feminists (not radical feminist leftists) understand the value of the natural differences between men and women and recognize they are necessary to perpetuate the human race and to create a family and a functional society. Radical leftists claim that gender is simply a social construct and that we should all be free to choose our gender identity and in the process, erase the very thing they claim to be celebrating. We don’t need men to tell us about being women, and we certainly don’t need them appropriating girlhood or womanhood to push a dangerous and false gender ideology.


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