WATCH: Vivek Ramaswamy Destroys CNN Host for Pathetic Gotcha Question About Trump

AP Photo/Morry Gash

The mainstream media went into a hissy fit earlier this week when Donald Trump used the word “vermin” to describe his political enemies. According to them, he was “echoing Nazis” by using the word. 


Give me a break. This attack reeks of desperation at a time when the ongoing Israel-Hamas war is exposing the anti-Semitism within the Democratic Party. 

Naturally, when one of Trump’s GOP rivals, Vivek Ramaswamy, appeared on CNN Wednesday, host Abby Phillip must have thought that Ramaswamy would agree with the Nazi comparison and decided to ask him about it.

"That language, they live like vermin, do you believe that that is, as your Republican colleague Chris Christie has said, neo-Nazi rhetoric?” Phillip asked.

"This is a classic mainstream media move, pick some individual phrase of Donald Trump, focus on literally that word without actually interrogating the substance of what's at issue,” Ramaswamy responded.

"The word was chosen for a reason,” Phillip insisted without evidence.

"We're in the middle of a cultural war in this country. Well, you know what? It's actually describing a series of behaviors. You have Antifa and other related groups that have been burning down cities for the last three years in this country,” Ramaswamy shot back. "While they're violating the rule of law, we have an invasion on our southern border, we have millions of people crossing our southern border. Let's talk about the substance of why we have to recognize we're not in ordinary times. So, the vocabulary of the vermin or not is not what's important."


Phillip continued to make the use of the word “vermin” an issue, but Ramaswamy was having none of it.

"If you look at the track record on my campaign trail, I talk about the issues; we all talk about them differently. But what I'm not going to do is play some game of focusing on some word that somebody else said without ignoring entirely the substance of what we're actually talking about, a border crisis of historic proportion, economic stagnation we haven't seen in 50 years, a national identity crisis, and loss of national pride in the next generation that's potentially existential for this country,” he said, leaving Phillip speechless. 

"Let's talk about our dependence on China today. We're actually talking about China's Xi Jinping," he added. "Picking on Donald Trump's word, vermin, to talk about that status quo. You know what's vermin? What's running around San Francisco on a given day before Gavin Newsom cleaned it up on a dime to roll up the red carpet for Xi Jinping? If he could do that for Xi Jinping, he could have done it on an ordinary day, and yet we're here sitting and talking not about the substance of that but on one word Donald Trump said in some speech in Miami."


Ramaswamy continued, "This is what's wrong with the mainstream media. Focus on the substance, and let's have an actual policy debate rather than talking to a presidential candidate instead of the policy substance of what's actually going on in the country. Picking on some word that Donald Trump said on a certain day and asking me for a comment on it, give me a break."

You can watch the epic smackdown of Abby Philip here:


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