Another Potential Conflict of Interest for Judge Merchan

AP Photo/Yuki Iwamura, Pool

Judge Juan Merchan, the Biden-donor judge presiding over Donald Trump's criminal trial in New York City, hasn’t exactly been shy about his anti-Trump bias. He has taken any opportunity he could to stack the deck against Trump, and Trump, for his part, hasn’t been shy about calling out Merchan’s bias.


Trump also pointed out that Merchan’s daughter, Loren Merchan, is a Democrat operative who has even worked for the Biden-Harris campaign and has been working to destroy Trump while also profiting off of the ongoing trial.

Despite ample conflicts of interest that should have seen Judge Merchan taken off the case, we have now learned that Loren Merchan also assisted the effort to kick Donald Trump off the ballot in Colorado.

Related: Michael Cohen Just Blew Up Bragg’s Case Against Trump

"Authentic Campaigns, the digital marketing and fundraising agency run by the daughter of the judge overseeing the falsified business records case against Trump, has been revealed to have worked with a group that has sought to take Trump off the ballot,” reports The Post Millennial. "Loren Merchan’s company worked with the Brennan Center for Justice, highlighted on the company’s 'Our Work' page. The Brennan Center for Justice filed an amicus brief in support of the Supreme Court rejecting Trump’s appeal of the Colorado Supreme Court’s decision to remove him from the ballot, Natalie Winters reported for War Room."


"The brief urges the Court to reject Trump’s attempts to revive the independent state legislature theory on appeal," the Brennan Center wrote. The push to remove Trump ultimately failed in the high court, with the justices ruling 9-0 in favor of keeping him on the ballot.

The center is still listed as an active client, with Authentic Campaigns appearing to have worked with the center since at least 2023. Authentic Campaigns said it has "boosted the organization’s newsletter subscribers by 300K new names, a 204% increase" and "seamlessly integrated diverse platforms and mediums to expand the Brennan Center’s reach." 

"Each new subscriber was not a statistic but a potential advocate and donor, thanks to the personalized and engaging content that illuminated the Brennan Center’s pivotal role in shaping a just society. The seamless integration of insightful content and compelling calls to action ushered subscribers down the engagement funnel, transforming them from passive readers to active contributors," Authentic Campaigns wrote.

Despite the obvious bias and conflicts of interest here, Merchan refused to recuse himself from the case — a case that many legal experts agree is weak. Both the Justice Department and Alvin Bragg’s predecessor refused to prosecute this case. The case is so blatantly partisan that even CNN’s Fareed Zakaria admitted it was. While lamenting Joe Biden’s likely defeat in November, he argued that the trial is helping him.


"And the trials against him keep him in the spotlight, infuriate his base who sees him as a martyr, and even may serve to make him the object of some sympathy among people in general who believed that his prosecutors are politically motivated," Zakaria said. "This happens to be true in my opinion. I doubt the New York indictment would have been brought against a defendant whose name was not Donald Trump."



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