
Joe Biden Dropping Out Was Totally Kamala's Coup

AP Photo/Mark Schiefelbein

We’re all going to look back on the 2024 election as one of the most bizarre of our lifetimes — and that’s saying a lot, considering what happened in 2020 with the pandemic. Joe Biden's dropping out mid-election and Kamala’s undemocratic ascension to the top of the ticket will be analyzed and pontificated upon for years to come. And new information puts the whole affair in a new light.

For months now, those of us on the right have been calling it a palace coup. Democrats, however, have tried to push the narrative that Joe Biden did the patriotic thing, that no one forced him out, yada, yada, yada. Of course, recent reports belie this narrative. Joe Biden is reportedly not speaking with Nancy Pelosi, who was a key player in the coup. He’s not happy with Barack Obama, either, who reportedly gave him the ultimatum that got him to finally make the decision.

According to past reports, Obama called Joe Biden and said that they had enough votes to invoke the 25th Amendment and that Kamala Harris was on board. 

But, according to political analyst Mark Halperin, Kamala Harris wasn’t just waiting to inherit Joe Biden’s spot; she was orchestrating her own rise to power well before Biden made his decision public. He revealed this during an interview with Tucker Carlson.

According to Halperin, who has proven to have reliable sources, Kamala had already begun vetting potential running mates long before Biden officially bowed out of the race. This revelation exposes the real story behind the 2024 Democratic shakeup: Kamala wasn’t waiting on Biden to step aside; she was actively positioning herself to take control.

“She started maneuvering for the nomination well before the Sunday morning when he called her and said he was not gonna run,” Halperin told Tucker. She didn’t wait for Biden to formally step down; she jumped ahead, laying the groundwork for her own campaign by vetting running mates, a process her team knew “couldn’t wait.” 

As Halperin noted, normally, this kind of preparation takes months, but Kamala’s team was already setting things in motion. Halperin continued, “I got a tip that that was happening.”

Tucker Carlson quickly grasped the significance: “That’s more than vying for the job… that is measuring curtains!” 

Tucker wasn’t wrong. Kamala was already vetting potential running mates for herself, a move that signaled more than just ambition — it was a strategic coup from her team. While party leaders may not have wanted Kamala to take over, she was eager to do so and was preparing for it to happen.

But here’s where it gets even more damning. 

According to Halperin, Biden himself didn’t believe Harris could beat Trump. “He believed that she would become the nominee in all likelihood and that she could not beat Donald Trump,” Halperin said. This wasn’t just idle speculation. Biden’s inner circle knew she was weak. Barack Obama didn't endorse Kamala at first because he also didn’t think she could defeat Donald Trump

But it gets worse: Halperin revealed that Biden didn’t think Harris could handle the presidency at all. 

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The clincher is that this wasn’t a spur-of-the-moment decision. “There was a period of at least a week and maybe more where, amongst a very small circle of people, the default was he’s getting out. And it’s just a matter of when and how,” Halperin said. Harris knew Biden wasn’t going to make it to the finish line and had already begun building her own path to the presidency.

Harris’s actions weren’t just opportunistic — they were part of a larger plan to seize power. Remember: back in July, veteran Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Seymour Hersh reported that Barack Obama was the one who made the call to Joe Biden, telling him, “Here’s the deal. We have Kamala's approval to invoke the 25th Amendment."

Of course she approved it. It was going to be her moment to inherit the campaign without going through the process of a primary. Remember, Biden's endorsement of Kamala was done out of revenge. He didn't think she could win. Barack Obama and Nancy Pelosi didn't, either, and had called for an open process to select a new nominee. Biden upended that, forcing the party into a position where it had no choice but to rally behind the woman who was on board with invoking the 25th Amendment against him.


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