James Comer Reveals Which Host Led Him to Quit Going on Fox News

AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite, File

Kentucky Republican Rep. James Comer, who is currently the Chairman for the House Oversight Committee, sat down for an interview with Newsmax host Eric Bolling. In it, he revealed he no longer goes on "Fox & Friends" because of Steve Doocy, one of the program's co-hosts. And there's a pretty good reason the two men aren't exactly friendly with each other. 


Let's be honest for a moment: Fox News isn't what it used to be. It's not bad and is a lot more fair in its coverage than CNN and MSNBC, but come on, that bar is pretty darn low. However, there are a lot of individuals who work for centrist news organizations that are essentially establishment hacks. It seems, at least on one particular issue, Doocy might be going down that road. 

While the two men were talking about the efforts to impeach President Joe Biden, show host Eric Bolling said, “forget the Democrats like Dan Goldman who say there’s no evidence. My concern is when the media, especially the conservative media, starts siding with the Bidens. Listen to Steve Doocy over at Fox saying you don’t have evidence.”

Bolling rolled a clip featuring Doocy attempting to make the case that Republicans didn't possess the evidence necessary to get a complete picture of the corruption they are accusing the president and his family of being involved with. “They’ve connected the dots, the Department of Justice did on Hunter, but they have not shown where Joe Biden, you know, did anything illegally," Doocy claimed.

Comer was none too happy about the comments from the Fox News host, replying, “Well, I think we’ve done a pretty good job connecting the dots. We’ve traced two checks from influence peddling schemes going directly into Joe Biden’s pocket.”


Sometimes you have to wonder if people like Doocy actually believe a lot of the things that come out of their mouths or if they are simply trying to create sound bytes that will be used for viral material to help draw viewers to Fox News programming? I mean, isn't it all about the clicks these days?

You can see the clip here.

Bolling asked Comer why he thinks Doocy would say that, essentially, House Republicans have nothing to show for all of the hard work they've put into the investigation of the president. 

“He’s had that position from the very beginning. I’ve quit going on Fox & Friends because of Doocy, you know? I mean, he’s the one guy on Fox that’s been very critical of the investigation,” Comer replied. “I have my theory why, and we’ll talk about that at a later point, but at the end of the day, he’s entitled to his opinion, but I don’t think the average viewer of Fox News agrees with Doocy one bit.”

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The Daily Caller is reporting:

Republicans recently laid out how the Department of Justice strayed from normal procedures during its investigation into Hunter Biden in an effort to protect the president’s son. The House Ways and Means, Oversight and Judiciary Committees released a report detailing how Biden-appointed U.S. Attorneys Matthew Graves and E. Martin Estrada refused to cooperate with David Weiss on the case after the IRS whistleblowers brought the issue to light.


Let's play Devil's Advocate for a moment. Perhaps what Doocy was getting at is that he feels House Republicans do not have a strong enough case to bring down Joe Biden and his son Hunter. Maybe he just desperately wants to ensure that these people pay for what they've done. 

It's critical for Hunter and Joe Biden to face consequences for what they've done. This could be an important first step in ensuring the demise of the two-tiered system of justice in the United States, effectively restoring some of the lost faith Americans have in the government. 

Regardless, it's understandable why Comer wouldn't want to go back on Fox after having to deal with someone like Doocy. Will the two ever become buds again?


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