WHO Appoints Transgender Majority for Panel on Raising Children

AP Photo/Emrah Gurel, File

The World Health Organization (WHO) has steadily worked toward achieving total incompetence. Their mishandling of the “pandemic” is legendary, as is their leftist position on the climate change hoax and their insistence on the necessity to eat bugs rather than meat. 


The head of this “health organization” is Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, an Ethiopian. But he is not a doctor in the conventional sense; he is an academic, having earned a Ph.D. in philosophy, not a degree in medicine.

Within the realm of philosophy, there are two distinctions. One is objectivity, which is a philosophical opinion or method that believes that reality exists outside of the human mind. People can separate their own ideas and opinions from the observations they make. Objective observations are true no matter who makes them. The other is subjectivity, which means making assumptions and interpretations based on personal opinions without any verifiable facts. 

In the WHO's case under Ghebreyesus, subjectivity definitely rules. Reality and common sense are secondary to personal feelings and delusion. Facts don’t come into play; it’s all about leftist ideals, right or wrong. The question we need to ask ourselves is obvious: should an organization with the power of the WHO be dictating policy on a subjective platform? Perhaps the “World Health Organization” should be led by an experienced professional with a degree in medicine, and the approach should be objectively fact-based.

Unfortunately, for now, it isn’t. As a result, we can expect more unorthodox, irrational, and dangerous recommendations to be leveled by this leftist union of subjective ideals. 


Recently, according to a report by the Daily Mail, the WHO has formed a 21-member panel to create healthcare guidelines on how to treat “gender dysphoric” children. On this “respected” panel, eleven appointees have no formal medical training, seven are transgenders, ten have medical experience, and only eight are doctors. The rest are either social justice advocates, human rights lawyers, STD researchers, or policy advisors. 

Does any of this sound objective to you? The majority of this panel has no medical experience, and a third are transgenders. As a reminder, trangenderism is a mental delusion and has nothing to do with science, reality, or biology.

One of the transgenders, a trans woman, who uses the elegant pronouns they/them and bi*tch, is just what you would expect from a leftist choice for this supposedly “serious” panel. This piece of work also has a tattoo that reads, “Be Gay, Do Crimes.”

He believes that mental health checks on gender-dysphoric children seeking puberty blockers and hormones should be scrapped; ignore reality and rush them into the process. This man pretending to be a woman (yes, I am deliberately not using his pretend name) is a Canadian with a large TikTok following. He believes puberty blockers should be prescribed to all children, regardless of their gender identity, so they can “choose” their gender rather than being assigned one by society. (Sounds scientific to me.)


When discussing an “academic” paper the panel co-authored on the subject: 

Is there any reason to ask people to go through a lengthy and complex gender assessment in order to access gender-affirming care, or is that useless and should the time best be put in supporting decision-making?

And what our article concludes is that there's really no evidence that gender assessments work... it's just a lengthier process for no real reason. Gender assessments are really an unnecessary form of gatekeeping that trans communities have been opposing for a while.

Oh, and another member believes that transitioning causes no health problems and claims the only “actual side effects” of getting a sex change are a “significantly improved quality of life and trans joy.”

Allow me to remind you that the World Health Organization is the United Nations healthcare agency. This group of clowns from the island of misfit toys is a disgrace to objective thought. The very idea that this is the selected group of “experts” to sit on this panel is not only an abomination of social reasoning, it’s a humiliation of rational reasoning.

Naturally, those who assembled this imbecilic cocktail party want to try and defend it. WHO spokesperson Tarik Jašarević insists the guidelines on trans issues would focus on “adults only” and not the use of hormones, suppressants, and surgeries on children. This contradicts what some of the panel members have professed. Some are vocal about their support for letting children, some as young as 13, undergo these medical procedures.


In an interview with the Daily Mail, Reem Alsalem, the United Nation’s special rapporteur on violence against women, said that the new WHO panel is too "one-sided” and that the committee contains “significant unmanaged conflicts of interest. Stakeholders whose views differ from those held by transgender activist organizations do not appear to have been invited. Such stakeholders include experts from European public health authorities who have taken the lead on developing an evidence-based and consequently cautious approach to youth gender transitions (England, Sweden and Finland).”

Stella O’Malley, psychotherapist and executive director of Genspect, told Daily Mail, "The WHO panel is made up mostly of social justice and human rights lawyers who believe the gender affirmative approach is the only option." This is a narrow-minded and heavily biased approach. They are making a grave mistake and should pause this process and consult with the many professionals who take different approaches.

These are implants into a system of deception. Any reports that are circulated will seem authoritative and knowledgeable. Most will not know the makeup of the panel. Many will be deceived. This is a fallacy on a grand scale that, backed by the United Nations, will condemn our children to the delusions of the left.


If any of you doubt the bias and disdain that the left holds us in, just look at the makeup of this panel. This is the confused, drug-induced stupor that the left wants our children to exist in so that plucking them into leftist purgatory is easy.

The WHO is no longer relevant, and until reality seeps in, it needs to be ignored.


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