On Election Night, Trump Said He Started Campaign Just to ‘Have a Little Fun,’ Bossie Recalls

Former Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski, left, and David Bossie answer questions during a book signing at the Colony Hotel in Palm Beach, Fla., on March 13, 2018. (John McCall/South Florida Sun-Sentinel via AP)

WASHINGTON – Former deputy Trump campaign manager David Bossie predicted that the Democrats are going to pursue impeachment of President Trump if they take back the House.


During his recent appearance at the Republican National Lawyers Association annual policy conference, Bossie also recalled Trump’s disbelief on election night as the results came in, revealing that Trump said to him, “Can you believe this? We just started this to have a little fun.”

Bossie described the scene in Trump’s residence as the campaign team monitored the returns.

“We just know it’s a matter of time. We’ve come to that conclusion because we’re getting real-time data. So I’m sitting there actually by myself in the kitchen for just a minute and Mr. Trump walks in and he goes, ‘Dave, can you believe this?’ I said, ‘Yes sir, this is amazing, we’re going to learn here very shortly what’s going to happen.’ And he goes, ‘No, no, no, can you believe this? We just started this to have a little fun,’” Bossie said at the event. “I was like, ‘Yes, sir, Mr. Trump. You are about to be the president-elect of the United States – you’re going to learn what fun is.’ It was an amazing night.”

Bossie, co-author of Let Trump Be Trump with former Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski, said the president only took issue with one portion of the book about the “ferocity” of the Trump campaign operation since it referred to his diet.

“We’re doing six events a day, every day, seven days a week around the country and using different time zones to be able to get them all in. It was an amazing thing and he’s 71 years old at the time. I’m a lot younger. We were killing ourselves, but what we talked about in the book that he didn’t like was we mentioned we never stopped – so when we say we never stopped, we never stopped to eat,” Bossie said.


“Our diet on the plane was McDonald’s, Kentucky Fried Chicken and pizza – that was his nit that he had with me and Corey on the book because it got everybody talking about his diet again when – he didn’t mind talking about Mueller and Russia and all this but the diet, no, no, no, it’s a topic that we don’t like to talk about,” he added. “But it really is important to remember that this president, 15 months in, he campaigned like – he was a monster, he was somebody who never stopped.”

Bossie mentioned that Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton had demanded Trump accept the results of the presidential election. Bossie said the Democrats are going to continue fighting to “oppose” Trump at all costs, arguing that Clinton ironically has not accepted the results herself.

“I don’t know if she’s still medicated from election night or what but she and left, they are going to fight tooth-and-nail every minute of every day to oppose this president. And I didn’t come to give a political talk in the sense of the elections, but the midterms are vitally important because the left only has a couple of agenda items. And if they win back the House, what’s their first move?” Bossie said to the attendees who replied, “impeachment.”

He continued, “Exactly. Can I just say out loud there, isn’t it amazing that we can just throw around the world impeachment like it’s nothing now, like it’s not important? It is devastatingly important. We, as folks who want to see America succeed, who want to see our president succeed, we have to turn out and work every minute of every day between now and November to make sure that we add to our majority in the Senate and keep control of the House. Historically, we have a tall order, right, that’s a tall order to do in a historical perspective but we can do it.”


Bossie, the president of Citizens United, suggested the GOP keep an eye on the race of incumbent Rep. Barbara Comstock (R-Va.), whose Democratic opponent will be known after the June 12 primary, calling it the “canary in the coal mine” since she represents a tough district to win as a Republican.

“We need people like her to win because if she wins we keep the House. If Scott Walker wins in Wisconsin, we’re not going to get swamped in governors’ races across the country. As a matter of fact, if Larry Hogan wins in Maryland, it’s probably even a better indicator,” he said.

Bossie applauded Trump for his handling of North Korea and pondered how Democrats would react if Kim Jong-un agrees to abandon his nuclear program as part of the negotiations.

“Barack Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize when he was president for like, I don’t know, six months and he had done nothing. Now that’s not a high bar for this president but if he solves North Korea, what’s the left going to do? Are they going to acknowledge it? Are they even going to welcome the achievement? I don’t think they will,” he said.

Bossie noted how the majority of Democrats had stayed seated after Trump said African-American unemployment was at a record low during his State of the Union address.

“I believe the left in this country hates this president more than they love this country,” he said. “And it is a very stark thing to say out loud, but I think we’ve come to this realization that that’s what they are about.”



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