Newly Released Vegas Police Tapes Suggest Biden Had a Lot More Than a Mild Sniffle

AP Photo/Stephanie Scarbrough

The Las Vegas Police released audio recordings on Friday of transmissions from July 17, the day Joe Biden, according to some reports, suffered a medical emergency. Biden was scheduled to speak at a Unidos event in Vegas but then canceled abruptly before being rushed to Air Force One for a return trip to Delaware. 


The recordings appear to confirm reports that Biden suffered from more than a mild case of COVID-19, as the White House claimed. The audio shows police mobilizing to secure the route to the hospital in case Biden needed to be transported there. 

There are three clips—two are around four minutes each, and the third is around 43 minutes long. 

You can listen to all three at our sister site RedState. 

Officers not already on priority calls were instructed to assign themselves to a 461—a non-criminal detail—and were told to meet at the Valley Hospital ER parking lot." 

"There are about four units coming to you right now," says one unidentified officer. 

"I need more," was the reply. 

In the second audio, we hear, "If they're not already, have them Code 3 over to the rally point, please." Code 3 means lights and sirens. 

Police are heard scrambling to get the route shut down so the "package" can proceed. 

"Yeah, units on the [inaudible] are going to be moving with the package." 

Units helping out with the "POTUS movement" are told to monitor Event 8 on their radios. 

"Vehicle's going to be 22031, and the rider's going to be [redacted]," apparently referring to Biden. 

"We gotta take this one slow because we don't have a lot of resources to make this work... Just keep in mind, safety, safety, safety... We've gotta make sure we keep this safe [so] no one gets hurt," warns the officer who appears to be in charge of route logistics. 


"I think he's in here for about 35-40 minutes," an officer says, "and then we're going to go back the same way." Police are told to "hydrate up, and we'll get prepared for the next movement." 

Because there are no timestaps on the audio, it's not clear where Biden would be for 35-40 minutes. 

On the third recording, we hear: "For everybody on the radio right now, they’re on a hold for something regarding the president." 

Next, we learn, "For everyone on the radio right now, POTUS is 421. He’s being seen, so we’re just kinda waiting to see how this is shaping out. So, for everybody’s knowledge, he’s 421 right now. We’re just trying to figure out what’s going on, and we’re gonna go from there." In police jargon, a "421" is a sick or injured person. 

There is no indication of where Biden is being "seen" or by whom. 

Eventually, Biden's motorcade headed to the airport and he departed for Delaware. 

At the time of the medical emergency, UMC’s CEO Mason Van Houweling told KSNV that the hospital set up an incident command center in anticipation of Biden's arrival. 

"We knew we were dealing with more of a medical issue—definitely trauma and any accidents were off the table. So again, we shifted gears to be able to address a medical need here at UMC," he said. 

News3 Las Vegas reported at the time: 

Law enforcement and medical teams gathered outside the University Medical Center trauma room entrance on Wellness Way in case the President of the United States arrived after he canceled an appearance at the Unidos US Convention in Las Vegas due to testing positive for COVID-19. Unidos US President and CEO Janet Murguía made the announcement to attendees who were waiting to hear the president speak.

President Biden did not seek medical treatment at the hospital but instead went to the airport and departed Las Vegas on Air Force One to self-isolate at his home in Delaware.


Van Houweling said the hospital was alerted around 2:15 p.m. about a possible medical issue with the president.

"Didn't have the details around that, but we were ready and stood ready to be able to address any needs that the president needed," Van Houweling said.


KOLO 8 reported

The Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department is releasing a statement on what they were told regarding President Biden’s sudden departure from Las Vegas prior to being announced as having COVID.

They say that they were told Biden was sick on July 17 during his trip to Las Vegas, but they did not know the nature of the illness.

LVMPD then proactively began shutting down roads leading to UMC Hospital.

The Secret Service then told LVMPD that Biden would instead be going directly to Harry Reid International Airport and departing Las Vegas.

Clearly, there's more to this story than we're being told. This was more than the "mild" upper respiratory symptoms reported by the White House. You don't put an entire hospital on standby for a cold. What are they hiding and why won't they come clean about what happened that day? 

And where was Kamala Harris when all this was happening? Was she on standby in case she was called upon to step in as president in the event of a serious medical condition? The American people deserve answers. 

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