LIVE: Primary Results from Arizona, Florida, and Illinois (But NOT Ohio)

PJ Media is bringing you live results from primaries in Arizona, Florida, and Illinois tonight. Ohio was supposed to be on the list, but after some wrangling back and forth, Republican Gov. Mike DeWine summarily postponed the contest until June 1, defying a judge’s ruling that the primary should go on as planned. By June, it’s very likely that we’ll already know who the Democratic nominee is—although as crazy as 2020 is turning out to be, anything can happen.


As it stands, Joe Biden holds a commanding polling lead over Bernie Sanders. Recent polls have Biden winning in Arizona, Florida, and Illinois by 18, 39, and 29.5 points respectively. Nationally, Biden is up 20.9 points over Sanders. Barring an unexpected upset, Biden should dominate his socialist competitor tonight, solidifying his frontrunner status and possibly sealing his status as the presumptive nominee.

Biden leads in the delegate count, with 866 to Sanders’ 709, but there are more than 500 in play tonight—79 in Arizona, 248 in Florida, and 184 in Illinois. If Sanders can somehow manage to claw a good number of those away from Biden, he might live to fight another day.

But as we said, anything can happen. Voters are jittery about the ongoing Chinese coronavirus epidemic and heeding warnings to stay home and avoid crowds, so many will not even show up at the polls today. Absentee ballots, many of which were sent in before the current crisis began, when there were more Democratic candidates, will have an outsized influence on tonight’s results. Expect to hear whoever loses tonight complaining loudly about voter suppression and the unfairness of it all.



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