Trevor Noah Admits That the Media Should Be Discussing Trump's Accomplishments Rather Than Russia

Comedy Central’s Trevor Noah said something funny about Trump, but here “funny” means weird or odd. It was especially out of character for someone so liberal. Noah said about Don Trump Jr.’s meeting with a Russian lawyer, “The saddest thing, for the Trump team, the headlines could be about America’s role in helping finally drive ISIS out of Mosul or about the Syrian cease fire.” In other words, the media should be highlighting some of the accomplishment President Trump has had, rather than just the Russian collusion story. Of course he couldn’t bring himself to follow his own instructions, and spent 3 minutes on the Don Jr. allegations. His profanity-riddled rant included this statement: “The Trump team excuses make them sound dumber and dumber.” The first step on the road to recovery, Mr. Noah, is admitting you have a problem…



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