BRILLIANT: Rep. Thomas Massie Won't Be a 'Thespian' in Gov't Shutdown 'Failure Theater'

AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite

Like me, I'm sure that most readers here are counted among the millions of conservative Americans who are sick of the fact that neither party in Congress has made a serious attempt to cut spending since, oh, the 1800s or so. Nothing is changing, but we now know that at least one member of Congress is as fed up as we are: Rep. Thomas Massie of Kentucky. 


We all know how the drill and the drama go. As soon as talk turns to pumpkin spice, we hear about a looming government shutdown, especially during election years. It's a never-ending mess that exists solely because Congress long ago ceded its representative responsibility to the American taxpayers. 

It's a truly bipartisan nightmare, but because the mainstream media is filled with propagandists who do the bidding of the Democratic National Committee, it's always the Republicans who get blamed. 

The video at the end of this column is almost seven minutes of pure fire from Massie, who spares no one in his stinging rebuke of the uniparty plague in Washington. 

Massie doesn't waste much time cutting to the chase, asking, "Why do we always spend at least as much as we did last year, and why do we never cut spending?" just about a minute into the remarks. If you're raising your hand and saying, "Ooh! I know!" it's because Massie's answer is one that those of us who are worn out by the future-crushing weight of omnibus bills have been discussing for decades: "It's because Democrats want to grow the welfare state, and Republicans want to grow the military-industrial complex." 


True, it's easy to argue that one of those aims is far nobler than the other, but the Republicans cheapen it by making it the excuse for letting the Democrats get whatever taxpayer-funded progressive madness they want. 

We had to let them have money for transgender surgeries for third-graders in order to get military funding. 

That's how the refrain usually goes. 

The congressman goes on to talk about all of the nefarious doings of the Biden administration that have been uncovered in hearings in the last couple of years, then says that they're still going "to fund every freaking one of those things that we have exposed." It's a painful truth, and I wish that the camera had panned around to catch the looks on the faces of the other Republicans in the room.

I don't want to give any more spoilers, but watch until the end when he talks about the "SAVE Act" and what the Republicans will end up doing. 

I might move to Kentucky for a couple of years just so I can vote for this guy.


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