The Morning Briefing: Good Riddance to the Cheneys and All Their Squishy Ilk

AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite

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Happy Tuesday, dear Kruiser Morning Briefing friends. The Sine Qua Non Sequitur is spending a few days in Reno participating in an axe-throwing tournament. 


There has been a lot of concern trolling from the leftist hacks in the mainstream media about the future of the Republican Party because, in their minds, Donald Trump is the destroyer of worlds or something. The lefties have been in sync with all of the Never Trump faux Republicans, often enlisting their help to write guest opinion pieces that caterwaul about Trump's impact on the GOP.

It is true that Trump is having a huge impact on the Republican Party, but it's not at all negative. The dead weight that Trump has been flushing out of the party has needed to go for a very long time. Most of those who are fleeing were connected to the Bush family at some point. Had their influence not begun to wane in 2016, we would probably be bracing ourselves for Hillary Clinton's third term. 

The two most prominent Bushies who have taken their ball and gone home in a fit of pique are Dick Cheney and his backstabbing daughter Liz. 

Dick and Liz have thrown their support behind Kamala Harris, which isn't a surprise to anybody. Like all of the Never Trump lunatics, they're trying justify their turncoat ways by saying that they are voting for a commie to save the country and the Republican Party. There's no way to spin that illogical garbage to make any sense, of course. Kamala Harris is a threat to the Constitution and a host of freedoms that we currently enjoy.


As C.A. Skeet wrote yesterday, Dick Cheney's endorsement of Harris is "worthless," but there's a larger point:

But his endorsement also speaks to something darker. It speaks to betrayal. If you don't like Trump or his personality, I understand why you wouldn't enthusiastically endorse him. But we rank-and-file conservatives nevertheless expect you to hold your nose and vote for him. Why? Because that's what we've done for you for over two decades now. The Bush-Cheney ticket was nobody's idea of principled conservatism. Your coinage of "compassionate conservatism" rang a lot of instinctive alarm bells, but we held our noses and voted for you anyway.

And then we held our noses and voted for McCain. And then we held our noses and voted for Romney. We didn't call for the packing of the Supreme Court after the disastrous Roberts-led decision upholding Obamacare in 2012. We didn't endorse Obama after Bush bailed out Wall Street in 2008.


Conservatives — especially those of us who are grassroots activists — have been putting up with less-than-ideal circumstances and candidates for a very long time now. I have never once thought that the best way to express my discontent was to vote for a Democrat for president. 

The Democrats of 2024 are not the Democrats of 20 years ago. The party has been lurching hard to the far left for a long time now. There is no common ground to be found with them anymore. Dick and Liz Cheney have adopted the language of the leftists because they are now leftists themselves. 


Nikki Haley had some choice words after Liz Cheney said she couldn't understand the former governor's support of Trump. This is from my RedState colleague Jeff Charles:

Haley continued, arguing, “This is about my family. This is about America.”

“If you don't like him, say you don't like him, but you can't say that his policies are worse than Kamala Harris'. That's just not a fact,” Haley concluded.

Sane, truly principled conservatives understand the threat that Kamala Harris poses to the country. As I have written on many occasions, this is not the time to let feelings get in the way. Actually, that's never a good idea, especially in a presidential election. We're trying to choose the leader of the free world, not find a life partner. 

The Cheneys and all of the other Bush remnants don't have any principles; they're simply having a years-long temper tantrum because they know that their once-special place in Grand Old Party no longer exists. If the party ever does return to something that is acceptable to the mentally unwell Never Trump crowd, the country probably won't see another Republican president.

Again, Donald Trump is the candidate that the Republican Party needs in this election. The party and the country don't need any of the Capitol Hill Club Republicans who find it easier to roll over for the Democrats than to fight tooth and nail for the continued existence of the Republic. 


Dick Cheney, J6 Lizzie, and all of the other Never Trump Republicans should plan on hanging out with their commie Dem friends forever now. In the long run, the GOP will be much stronger because they're gone. 

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