Graphic Novel Imagining a Successful J6 Insurrection Being Sent to PA Public High Schools

AP Photo/John Minchillo

The Democrats have an inexhaustible supply of dead horses to beat, and one that's still getting a good shellacking from them is the lie about there having been an insurrection on January 6, 2021. They've gotten a lot of lawfare mileage against Donald Trump by keeping the lie in the national conversation, so it won't be going away anytime soon. 


It didn't take long for the kneepad-wearing moderators in the ABC debate to please their Democratic masters by asking Trump a J6 question. It came well ahead of any questions about inflation or, you know, reality. Reminder: there were no questions whatsoever about the assassination attempt on Trump. That's so two months ago for the Democrats. 

In the latest pathetic attempt to keep the J6 version of the ORANGE MAN BAD monster under their beds and scare the base, the false J6 narrative has been reimagined in comic book form to help indoctrinate the high school kids. 

The Morning Call:

Starting this week, high schools across Pennsylvania will be receiving copies of a serialized graphic novel that asks students to consider a question: What would have happened if the Jan. 6, 2021, insurrection had been successful?

The creators of 1/6: A Graphic Novel say they’re mailing copies to every public high school in Pennsylvania — about 750 schools — along with public libraries. The goal, they say, is to convey the risks facing American democracy, and what people can do about it.

“It’s very evident to me, the forces that led to that insurrection … the white supremacy, disinformation — those things are all very still much with us,” said Alan Jenkins, a Harvard Law professor who authored the graphic novel with Gan Golan.

In one fell swoop, Professor Jenkins makes the case for dismantling academia and abolishing the Department of Education. 


There was no insurrection on Jan. 6, 2021. Imagining what would have happened if it had been successful would be as ridiculous as imagining what would have happened if I had been successful when I hit on Sofía Vergara because neither ever happened. 

The series of graphic novels is chock-full of lies from the Democratic Trump Derangement Syndrome fever dream. The Charlottesville lie is there, of course, and Black Lives Matter operatives are the good guys. 

The authors have enlisted the help of a radical organization to make sure the potential youth voters properly understand their marching orders: 

...schools will also receive an “action guide” produced with the Western States Center that lays out facts about the insurrection, the numbers of election deniers who won in the 2022 midterms, and increases in reported hate crimes, threats to public officials, and politicians banning books — “a hallmark of authoritarianism."

It's surprising that they haven't been more ambitious and gotten the comic books into every public high school in every swing state. Perhaps they're just waiting for more funding. 

The Democrats are craven, pathological liars and, as with their dead horses, never run out of prevaricating academics who are willing to perpetuate the falsehoods. They say that constantly invoking J6 is all about keeping Trump out of office, but that's another ruse. They'll be using it to smear every Republican presidential candidate going forward, long after Trump has left the scene. 


This is supposed to be an alt-universe fiction about what might have happened, akin to "The Man in the High Castle," which reimagined the Nazis winning WWII. They should have titled it "The Man in the B.S. Castle." Here in the 21st century, nearly every Dem narrative is fictional and takes place in an alternate reality.

Because that's where they live. 

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