The Morning Briefing: However Sincere, Mark Zuckerberg's Mea Culpa Moment Is a Bit Late

AP Photo/Susan Walsh

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Happy Friday, dear Kruiser Morning Briefing friends. Lerrynce held fast to his dream of one day becoming Paraguay's most famous expatriate marmoset groomer. 


Mark Zuckerberg, the boy wonder billionaire who became a political power player in what seemed like about a month, is undergoing a big change of heart. Or so he says. 

I've been reading a lot about Zuckerberg's journey to having an aversion to placing his thumb on the scale during a presidential election and would love to believe it. Everybody points to the same moment last summer when they became aware that Zuckerberg might be evolving. 

This is from Lincoln:

As the Post Millennial noted, Zuckerberg undoubtedly raised a few eyebrows among the progressive elite when he referred to Trump's reaction to the first assassination attempt as "bada**." To give Zuck credit, yes, it was "bada**." There are also reports that he called Trump twice this summer, and Trump claimed that Zuckerberg said that there was no way he could vote Democrat at this point. Meta repudiated that statement, but Zuckerberg has not cozied up to Team Kamala. 

The progressive elites were no doubt rattled, it's true, but the ultra-delicate snowflakes who make up the ranks of Meta employees were probably in trauma counseling the next day. Saying anything even remotely positive about Trump is risky in the circles that Zuck's been running in since he put on his big boy pants, lo those many years ago. If he didn't have so much money, the fanboy moment he had after the first assassination attempt would have gotten him blackballed from every social group he'd ever encountered. 


My friend Ed Morrissey writes over at HotAir that "the riots on college campuses aimed at the Jews seem to have been the biggest catalyst for Zuckerberg's lurch to the right." It is somewhat refreshing that a guy who had done so much for radical leftists in the past was appalled and motivated to change by that. The leftists are leaving him as much as he's leaving them. 

Zuckerberg is angst-ridden over his role as a Democratic and government pawn when he helped bury the news about Hunter Biden's laptop during the 2020 election cycle. Given Facebook's ubiquity and reach, he probably had more influence there than even The New York Times and other mainstream media sources. My question is: Why did it take so long for regret to sink in? The guy is brilliant, and he knew what he was doing. 

If the Dems hadn't revealed themselves to be a bunch of raging anti-Semites after October 7, 2023, would Zuckerberg ever have felt bad about being a Soviet-style propagandist in 2020? I have my doubts. 

The biggest reason that New Zuck does not move me is that his leftist cheerleader days did an enormous amount of damage that can't be undone. Facebook was a huge revenue generator for sites like this one. The platform aggressively throttled traffic of conservative sites that depended upon it for money in the effort to get Joe Biden into the White House. It completely shut down many prominent conservative accounts.


Mark Zuckerberg has played a major role in the havoc wrought upon the country under the Biden-Harris reign of anti-Constitution terror. 

So, unless Zuckerberg's regret comes with a check for lost revenue and a time machine, I'll withhold a pat on the back and an "Atta boy!" 

Look, if Zuck is sincere, it's good that he's gone through this before he could flex his influence to wreck another election and help ruin the country further. 

The check would be nice, though. 

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Everything Isn't Awful

My eyes looked like that a lot in the '80s. 

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