Did Hamas Just Ghost the Biden-Harris Administration?

AP Photo/Manuel Balce Ceneta

If foreign policy under the Biden-Harris administration were an episode of "The Twilight Zone" — and believe me, it's a near-run thing — the intro to this week's episode might go something like this.


[Rod Serling strolls out onto the set, dressed in his usual dark suit and tie. His hair is perfect.]

"Submitted for your approval: the case of one Antony Blinken, secretary of state for the most powerful nation in the world. His job: to conduct the diplomacy of the United States during a time of wars in Europe and the Middle East, while the threat of war grows in the Pacific. His greatest concern today is negotiating a ceasefire between Israel, led by Bibi Netanyahu, and the Hamas terror organization, led by Yahya Sinwar — at least until the Israelis find him."

[Scene opens in a formal office setting. Blinken is seated at his desk, a trusted aide standing slightly back and to stage left. Blinken holds a sturdy-looking secure phone to the right side of his face.]

"Hello? This is Antony Blinken, U.S. secretary of state. I need to speak with Yahya Sinwar about that ceasefire I asked him about before. It's been almost two weeks and he still hasn't returned any of my calls. Is he getting my voicemails? Can you check? Are my texts going through? Did he like the flowers I sent?"

[Scene switches to a dirty, sweaty underground tunnel. An Arab-looking man in civilian clothes is holding an ordinary iPhone in front of his face while other men dressed just like him closely huddle to listen.]


"Yahya can't come to the phone right now. He's, uh, washing his goat."

[Arab-looking men struggle to mute their laughter.]

[Back to Blinken's office.]

"Can I call back this afternoon? It's kind of important."

[Gaza tunnel.]

"No. He'll be busy then, too."

[More laughs, less well contained.]

[Blinken's office.]

"I'm not doing anything tomorrow if Yahya can talk to me then. I just need five minutes, no big deal. I wrote him this song I can play on my guitar."

[Gaza tunnel.]

"Tomorrow he has to go visit his mom."

[Arab men fail to hold in their laughter this time.]

[Blinken's office. Laughs can be heard coming through the secure phone.]

"Seriously, it's about the ceasefire he swore he wanted. [CLICK]. Hello? Hello?"

[The trusted aide struggles to mute his laughter.]

[Fade back to Serling.]

"You are about to enter another dimension, a dimension not only of darkness and silence but of rejection. A journey into a humiliating land of loneliness. You've just crossed over into... the Ghosted Zone."

[Opening titles.]

While my little Twilight Zone scene is fiction, State Department spokesperson Matthew Miller admitted during a Wednesday press conference that Hamas has "refused to engage" with Blinken's ceasefire efforts for the last ten days or longer. In other words, Sinwar is either literally or figuratively not taking Blinken's calls.


The chief diplomat of the most powerful man in the world got ghosted by a terrorist scumbag for the whole world to see.

It's a national humiliation, sure, but it's also business as usual under Biden-Harris. 

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