
EU, Gates Foundation’s Newest Racist Depopulation Scheme

AP Photo/Jose Luis Magana, File

The European Union (EU) and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation are once again engaging in colonialist, racist imperialism, pouring funds into contraceptives for “low- and middle-income” countries. If only the globalists spent all their abortion and contraception money on actual healthcare, building homes, and investing in economic development, countless poor people might actually benefit. Instead, women are told to sterilize themselves and kill their babies and thank the Americans and Europeans for “empowering” them.

The Gates Foundation has lavished billions of dollars over the years on killing babies and sterilizing women, but it’s still determined to prevent more African, Asian, and South American babies from being born, despite a looming global population collapse. Bill Gates has been tied to forced sterilization scandals in Africa and Asia before, but don’t worry — this time, the man who openly avowed his goal of reducing the worldwide population by 10% to 15% is to be trusted. Don’t doubt his lofty integrity, you conspiracy theorist.

The United Nations (UN), where the EU and Gates Foundation made their new plan, funded “rape kits” with contraceptives and abortifacients for migrant girls and women (instead of helping the women or discouraging the trafficker-guided trips to America, the UN just hands them the pills). The UN also reportedly whined in 2022 that there were too many Nigerians being born and more contraception/abortion was needed to solve that “problem.” Eugenics was always a racist and elitist movement, and the high-profile proponents of contraception and abortion remain so to this day.

From the Sept. 24 Gates Foundation press release:

[On] the sidelines of the UN General Assembly in New York, the European Union (EU) and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation announced they are developing new financing mechanisms to accelerate access to health products, including safe, effective and affordable contraceptive and maternal health medicines. These will allow more women living in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) to better meet their needs… Without additional resources, there could be a $1.5B funding gap by 2030 for contraceptive products in low- and middle-income countries.

And who are the EU oligarchs and the Gateses that they should dictate who is allowed to have children and who is not? Why must other nations and cultures live by our woke standards? This is why the Christian president of Uganda started to look elsewhere than the U.S. and Europe for investment because Ugandans disagree with LGBTQ ideology. Don’t impose your woke, Euro-American culture of death on other nations; you have no right.

As a Catholic, I believe contraception is always wrong, as it interferes with nature and divides sex from its inherent, God-given end — namely, procreation. This is a view supported by Scripture (for instance, see Gen. 38:9-10), and it was the view of all Christian denominations until the 20th century. But science provides evidence to support rejecting contraception, too, since contraceptives have numerous harmful side effects. Not only that, contraception makes it easier than ever for men to use, abuse, and abandon women without consequences — that’s why sex traffickers and predators love contraceptives and abortion.

The Gates Foundation and EU are falsely portraying contraceptives as automatically opening a glorious and independent future for women, where they can be educated and have careers. Aside from the fact that the no-kids, big-career formula has been a massive failure in America (U.S. women are more lonely and depressed than ever), this framing is false. Just as handing a migrant girl a “rape kit” doesn’t prevent her from being raped, giving vulnerable women in countries with sexual violence more contraception doesn’t protect those women from being abused, harassed, exploited, enslaved, and raped. All it does is allow more exploitation with fewer consequences for the predators.

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) website has a study documenting evidence of serious side effects from taking hormonal “birth control.” It listed serious potential short- and long-term side effects from contraception. These include cancer, bone fractures, multiple sclerosis, female sexual dysfunction, cardiovascular risks, weight gain, depression, suicidal desires, and “increased risk of HIV transmission for depot medroxyprogesterone acetate (DMPA).” Decades ago, even the Washington Post reported on the increased risk of cervical cancer for users of the Pill.

As context for refuting another Gates Foundation claim, I will note that having multiple children, even very close in age, is not necessarily dangerous for women. I have personally known a number of women who were very healthy after having 8+ kids, including several very close in age. But they were American women with American healthcare. Maternal and infant mortality rates went down in developed countries not because women had fewer children but because they had better healthcare. Why do billionaires invest in killing babies and making women infertile when they could do so much good with that money?

But the EU and Gates Foundation aren’t interested in saving or improving lives; they’re interested in furthering their Marxist depopulation agenda.


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